Friday, December 27, 2019
Stopping Gang Violence in Toronto - 559 Words
There have been many approaches taken to get rid of gang violence from the streets of Toronto. Whether it be by having tougher laws or taking guns off the street, very few methods have yet to be effective. When it comes to looking at a complex situation such as gang violence there are many factors that affect the reasons as to why people join gangs in the first place.Whether it is due to poverty, peer pressure, boredom or despair (Grabianowski). Gang violence can never be fully gotten rid of due to the fact that there will always be people who commit crimes whether it be just an individual or a group of people, however we can reduce the amount of people who choose to choose that pathway in their life.One of the most effective ways of getting rid of gang violence off the streets of Toronto is by having more activities provided for the youth in the communities with higher gang related crime rates. When it comes to decreasing or even potentially stopping gang violence on the streets of Toronto. We need to start by looking at the youth. Because after all they are in fact the future of the society we live in today. In psychology we learn that most of the childrenââ¬â¢s developmental process of what is right and wrong occurs during their childhood stage into their adolesence. In the childhood stage many factors that they incounter can affect the decision they would make in the future in regards to joining gangs. By getting to the youth we are able to grab the situation (gangShow MoreRelatedTAVIS Policing2729 Words à |à 11 Pagesï » ¿ Toronto Anti-Violence Intervention Strategy (TAVIS) Policing SSCI-3050U-001 Andrew Lee Kyle McCaughey 100429290 Program Description Public safety and the safety of communities are one of the most important areas of focus for the police, which is why I chose to do my policing paper on the crime prevention program known as TAVIS. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The Life And Music Of Charles Dickens s The Great...
Their father Thomas was born in Maidstone, Kent England. Kent is the origin of the Tolhurst name which likely means a thick, dense forest. It is an uncommon name being less than 1 in 100,000 in North America. On January 18, 1879, Thomas (b 1851, Maidstone, England) and Mary Elizabeth (b 1856, Ontario, nà ©e Cudmore) Tolhurst had their first of 6 daughters, Francis Elizabeth or Fanny after her paternal grandmother and mother. Over the next 141â â2 years the east-end Toronto bookkeeper and his wife had another 6 children only one being a boy: Emily Cudmore, Helen Beatrice, Annie Gertrude, Thomas George (b 1886), Amy Gladys and Eveline Winifred. Fanny was destined to never marry, becoming a well respected and well known drama and music teacher in Toronto producing, in over 50 years, many plays of Shakespeare s, Noà «l Coward, Shelly etc by the Toronto Student Players, various Church companies and the Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto. Emily, a tailoress, was destined to marry (to Samuel Douglas Deans in 1911 and having three boys, Samuel (b 1912), Alfred (b 1914) and Harold (b 1918)) as well as the third Tolhurst daughter Helen or Bertie, a church stenographer (to salesman Arthur Holman in 1916 and having two sons William (b 1917) and Alan (b 1922)). The fourth Tolhurst girl Annie, a milliner, died, before the Christmas of 1916, at the age of only 32, likely from consumption or tuberculous. Thomas and Elizabeth s fifth child was the break from having girls with Thomas.Show MoreRelatedANALIZ TEXT INTERPRETATION AND ANALYSIS28843 Words à |à 116 Pagesthe text reveals under close examination. Any literary work is unique. It is created by the author in accordance with his vision and is permeated with his idea of the world. The readerââ¬â¢s interpretation is also highly individual and depends to a great extent on his knowledge and personal experience. Thatââ¬â¢s why one cannot lay down a fixed ââ¬Å"modelâ⬠for a piece of critical appreciation. Nevertheless, one can give information and suggestions that may prove helpful. PLOT The Elements of Plot When we
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Othello And Hamlet Compariaon And Contrast Essay Example For Students
Othello And Hamlet Compariaon And Contrast Essay The plays Othello and Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, have many similarities and differences. Two main characters Iago, of Othello, and Hamlet, of Hamlet, can be compared and contrasted through characterization. Characterization is the represention of characteristics or motives of a character. Both characters have different character traits which make them truly different from one another, but their ending resolutions are remarkably the same. In Othello, Iago is a very manipulative and cunning character. Iagos entire scheme begins when Cassio is given the position that Iago wanted. Iago then comes up with numerous ideas and plots to steal the position he feels he most deserves. Iago deceis, steals, and kills to gain that position. Iago lies to his loved ones including his wife and friends. Iago tricks Othello into beleiving that his own wife, Desdemona, is having an affair, without any concrete proof. Othello is so caught up in Iagos ls that he refuses to believe Desdemona wh en she denies the whole thing. Iago also manages to steal from his own friend, Roderigo, without feeling guilty. He uses the money that Roderigo gives him to try and win over Desdemona. When Roderigo discovers thIago has been using his money he screams at Iago and threatens to kill him. However, Iago being very manipulative tells makes up a plot that involves Roderigo to capture the heart of Desdemona. Roderigo believes Iago and forgets about Iago stealing hisoney. Iagos plan is for Roderigo to kill Cassio. At the ending of the play, Iagos plot is given away to Othello by his own wife, Emilia. Iago realizes that his plot has been revealed and sees his wife as an obstacle and an annoying person who has let t his secret, so he kills her. Iagos merciless taking of Emilia, his wife, and Roderigo, his friend, lives is another one of Iagos characteristic of a an immoral human being whos main concern is to protect himself. On the other hand, in Hamlet, Hamleis the perfect example of the tr agic hero. Hamlet has all the good traits needed to be a tragic hero. He is brave and daring. One example of this is that when he went to England, he was taking a big risk. If his plan didnt work, he would have been execed. Hamlet is also loyal. His loyalty to his father, was the reason he was so angry at Claudius and his Mother. Claudius married King Hamlets wife shortly after King Hamlets death. Another trait of Hamlet was that he was intelligent. He was able to tnk up the idea of faking insanity, in order to get more information about Claudius. But Hamlet like all other tragic heros had a flaw. He couldnt get around to doing anything, because he couldnt move on. It took him a long time to stop grieving aboutis father, because he didnt want to move past that part of his life. And after he finally did, Hamlet couldnt get around to killing Claudius. He kept pretending he was insane even after he was sure that Claudius killed his father. When Hamlet was chalnged to a fencing match ag ainst a chosen opponent from the king Hamlet agrees. Finally, Hamlet is in a state of peace and readiness, accepting his fate. Hamlet has been through a lot in his lifetime. He has been deceived, lied to, and lost the ones he htruly loved. The plays Othello and Hamlet can be compared through their characterization of characters. The final resolutions in both plays seemed to have the same bloody effects of death. In Othello, Iagos manipulative characteristic led him to death. Iagos manipative plot of deceit, betrayal, and turmoil led him to his downfall when his plot was revealed. Iagos manipulative plot led to the death of many characters in the play. Desdemona died because her husband did not believe that she was being loyal to him ter Iago proclaimed that she was cheating on Othello. Emilia, Iagos wife, died because she revealed Iagos plot. Roderigo died because he was used and manipulated by Iago. And finally Othello died because he was tricked, by Iago, into believing things thout any known proof. In Hamlet, Hamlets vengenance for his fathers murderer led him to kill Laertes. Gertrude, Hamlets mother, dies after she accidentally drinks a poisoned glass. After Hamlet sees Gertrude has died, he forces Claudius to dri nk theemaining poison. Hamlet dies after he is told by the dieing Laertas that the sword was poisoned and Hamlet has only thirty minutes to live. In both plays each characters motives, actions and characteristic traits had equal and similair results, death. In Shakespeares plays he often creates a straight forward atmosphere in which the reader can differentiate from good and evil. He shows this characteristic through his characters in the way they act and their motives. For example Hamlets actions show that he is a loyal and faithful person. While Claudius actions show us that he is very cunning and sly, only looking to gain power. A.C. Bradley was a literary critic who criticized and analyzed many works of Shakespeare including Othello and Hamlet. his temperament the Elizabethans would have called melancholic. Next, we cannot be mistaken in attributing to him an exquisite sensibility to which we may give the name moral. To the very end, his soul, however sick and tortured it may b e, ansrs instantaneously when good and evil are presented to it, loving the one and hating the other. A.C. Bradley shows that Shakespeare often has very villainous characters and hero type characters that allows the readers to differentiate from the villns and the heroes. In conclusion, these two plays, Othello and Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare have proven their comparisons and contrasting points very well. Both plays have their similarities in their own way, but there are differences that virtually make the bootruly unique. Shakespeare Essays
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Thought I Saw You the Other Day free essay sample
The things my dad taught me were many. Things I saw, things I felt, things I heard, things I experienced outside of my senses. Things tangible, things abstract, things wonderful in their obviousness, things harder to tell apart than me and my twin brother. Things that stuck to me so hard they hurt, things that slipped through my desperately reaching fingers like memories from a dream. Things outside of my motherââ¬â¢s ability to explain, thing well outside of any schoolââ¬â¢s ability to teach. Things that are universal in their application, things that canââ¬â¢t be explained in an essay. Some things of which I will try to relive here. Identity. Since I was a nameless embryo competing for conception in my shared womb to when I was a teenager competing for square footage in my shared room, I was constantly mistaken for my competitor. During the early instances of peopleââ¬â¢s confusion, I vehemently opposed and corrected their mistakes, not wanting to be my brotherââ¬â¢s shadow, or him mine. We will write a custom essay sample on Thought I Saw You the Other Day or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But eventually the unrelenting flow of ignorance led to my penultimate belief that I would be nothing more than a doppelganger, without individual ideas or values. To my dad, however, I was the half of an undivided attention that carefully separated his nephewââ¬â¢s personalities like a man panning for gold. He helped me believe that I could forge my respective path in life, and never forgot that my nose is slightly higher than my brotherââ¬â¢s. He made me see that my brother does not define who I am, and that my successes and failures are my own. Survival of the fittest. After a mal shark mates, he leaves the mother with her children and continues with his own life. Then the mother, fed up with her high-maintenance and hot-tempered kids and unable to cope alone, gives up on them and searches for a new companion. Unmanaged and unchecked, the identical offspring become the most terrifying members of their neighborhood. In the process, however, the weak ones, unable to adapt to their situation, are overwhelmed and rooted out of their society. The strong ones, finding the independence suited to their tastes, relish the challenge and excel in their isolated environment. I felt that all of the children were different parts of me. The things consumed in grief and bitter lassitude ââ¬â in other words, weakness ââ¬â I had to learn to disassociate and sever, sometimes painfully. Other things, some of which were not part of me and I had to acquire, rose up and helped me to simply survive. He probably didnââ¬â¢t know it, but my dadââ¬â¢s action helped mold me into who I am today ââ¬â the king of the fish in the sea. There were many things my dad taught me. He taught me love. He taught me hate. He taught me success. He taught me mistakes. He taught me to see the ripples of a word. He taught me to see the waves of an action. He taught me to learn from him while he was with me. He taught me to miss him while he was away. Taught me so well, that I thought I saw him the other day. But the thing is, my dad passed away last year. And that was probably the greatest thing he ever taught me.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hedy Lamarr Essay Example
Hedy Lamarr Essay Now I wish to talk about barriers that women amateurs face in working in science and technology. Lamarr is a great example of how an amateur can both overcome and be stopped by barriers. Just a little background info, Hedy Lamarr was an Austrian ââ¬âAmerican actress who was also known to be the most beautiful woman in Hollywood in her time. You might think what does she have to do with what have been said before this. Well, she was the brains who basically started it all, the spread-spectrum technology which enabled Wi-Fi and cellular networks to be available to us today! Lamarr knew about a real problem. It was during World War 2 when she thought, how can one safely control a torpedo with a radio signal? This was important, since torpedoes were not very accurate and the ability to remotely control them could be immensely valuable. The difficulty in using a radio signal to control a torpedo is essentially the problem of jamming. If you tried to control your torpedo by a signal, eventually the enemy will find out the frequency you are using. Once this is known they could jam your control signal by putting out a strong noise signal on the given frequency. Lamarr had a solution. Her brilliant idea was to use frequency hoppingââ¬âher invention. Lamarr also found a co-inventor, George Antheil, who was also an avant-garde composer, who laid out a system based on 88 frequencies, corresponding to the number of keys on a piano, using perforated paper rolls which would turn in sync with one another, transmitting and receiving ever-changing frequencies, preventing interception and jamming. We will write a custom essay sample on Hedy Lamarr specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hedy Lamarr specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hedy Lamarr specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer They then submitted the frequency hopping device to the national inventors council where they went on to file a patent application. Unfortunately, she did not succeed to release this idea to help during the war. There were other priorities faced by the US military, along with the decreasing number of resources that were being used to make other equipments and atomic bombs. Also, she isnt your usual inventor. Who would believe a Hollywood actress could help invent something useful for the war? Furthermore, she was ahead of technology. Spread-spectrum requires a fairly powerful digital computational ability. The technology that was available in 1940? s was very crude, and it is likely that it was essentially impossible to make her ideas work. BUT twenty years after its conceptualization, during the Cuban missile crisis, the first instance of large-scale military deployment of Lamarr and Antheils frequency hopping technology was implemented not for the remote-controlled guidance of torpedoes, but to provide secure communications among the ships involved in the naval blockade. Lamarrââ¬â¢s brilliant idea is used today in wireless communication. Not exactly as she envisioned in her original patented work, but nevertheless in ways that are clearly traceable to her ideas. Lamarr eventually got the recognition she deserved but 3 years before her death. She and her co-inventor Antheil won the 1997 Electronic Frontier Foundation Pioneer Award. She also won the BULBIE that is called the ââ¬Å"Oscarâ⬠of inventing. Hedy Lamarr had proved to being more than just a ââ¬Å"pretty faceâ⬠. My resources: http://rjlipton. wordpress. com/2010/07/25/hedy-lamarr-the-inventor/
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Identifying a Bug vs Insect
Identifying a Bug vs Insect The word bug is often used as a generic term to refer to any type of small crawling critter, and it is not only kids and unknowing adults who use the term this way. Many scientific experts, even trained entomologists, will use the term bug to refer to a wide range of small creatures, especially when they are speaking conversationally to the general public.à The Technical Definition of a Bug Technically, or taxonomically, a bug is a creature that belongs to the insect order Hemiptera, known commonly as the true bugs. Aphids, cicadas, assassin bugs, ants, and a variety of other insects can claim rightful membership in the order Hemiptera. True bugs are defined by the types of mouthparts they possess, which are modified for piercing and sucking. Many members of this order feed on plant fluids, and so their mouths have the structures necessary to penetrate plant tissues. Some Hemipterans, such as aphids, can badly damage or kill plants by feeding in this way. The wings on Hemipterans, the true bugs, fold over one another when at rest; some members lack hind wings altogether. Finally, true bugs always have compound eyes. All Bugs Are Insects, but Not All Insects Are Bugs By the official definition, a large group of insects arent considered bugs, although in common usage they are often lumped together under the same label. Beetles, for example, are not true bugs. Beetles are structurally different from the true bugs of the Hemiptera order, in that their mouthparts are designed for chewing, not piercing. And beetles, which belong to the Coleoptera order, have sheath wings that form hard, shell-like protection for the insect, not the membrane-like wings of the true bugs.à Other common insects that do not qualify as bugs include moths, butterflies, and bees. Again, this has to do with structural differences in the body parts of these insects.à Finally, there are a number of small crawling creatures that are not insects at all, and so cannot be official bugs. MIllipedes, earthworms, and spiders, for example, do not possess the six legs and body segment structures found in insects, and are instead members of different animal orders- spiders are arachnids, while millipedes are myriapods. They may be creepy, crawly critters, but they are not bugs.à Common Usage Calling all insects and all small crawling creatures bugs is a colloquial use of the term, and when scientists and otherwise knowledgeable people use the word in such a way, they are usually doing it to be down-to-earth and folksy. Many highly respected sources use the word bug when they are writing or teaching certain audiences:à Gilbert Waldbauer is a respected entomologist from the University of Illinois. He authored an excellent volume called The Handy Bug Answer Bookà which covers everything from scorpions to silverfish.The University of Kentuckys entomology department hosts a website called theà Kentucky Bug Connection. They include information on keeping pet bugs, including tarantulas, mantids, and cockroaches, none of which are actually bugs.Theà University of Floridas entomology departmentà has sponsored a Best of the Bugs award honoring for outstanding insect-related websites. Among their honorees are sites on ants, beetles, flies, and butterflies- no actual true bugs.Iowa States entomology department hosts one of the best arthropod sites around- Bugguide. The site is a database of information and photographs collected by amateur naturalists, covering virtually every North American arthropod. Only a small portion of the species listed belong to the order Hemiptera. A bug is an insect, but not all insects are bugs; some non-insects that are called bugs are neither bugs nor are they insects.à Is everything clear now?
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Too Big to Fail, Wall Street, Wall Street 2 Assignment
Too Big to Fail, Wall Street, Wall Street 2 - Assignment Example The movie focuses on Bud Fox, a young broker in Wall Street. Foxââ¬â¢s ambition to succeed in his career is fuelled by his determination to be as wealthy as Gordon Gekko, a millionaire trader, and raider. Gekko rides on the statement ââ¬ËGreed is goodââ¬â¢. Fox and Gekko meet which results to the young stockbroker working with the millionaire. In no time, Bud Fox rises in the financial ladder. He meets Darien in the process and is able to finance their affair regardless of her being high maintenance. The success is followed by realizing the illegal ways which the millionaire uses to acquire money. Amongst his dark dealings, Fox learned that the company his father is an employee is in jeopardy. Wall Street chronicles the greed in America during the 1980s in form of insider trading. Important companies utilized to tell the scandal stories are the employer to Budââ¬â¢s father, Blue Star Airlines, Teldar Paper and Anacott Steal. The progression of the movie introduces us to L arry Wildman who wants to buy the latter mentioned company. Teldar Paper is a reputable company which the raider and trader have set his eyes on. The detailed depiction of insider trading which involves stock trading after getting information from the management of a company is the main event of the movie. The young stockbroker is caught in between the will to be rich and prevent Gekko from ruining his fatherââ¬â¢s career. The movie ends with the imprisonment of Gekko for money laundering, fraud of securities and racketeering.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The Pandigital Novel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Pandigital Novel - Research Paper Example black and white to help accommodate the personal needs of each consumer.1 Of course, as with any product, there are good and bad reviews. One review mentions that the good aspect about the Pandigital Novel e-reader is that it incorporates Wi-Fi, web browsing, extra slot for additional memory, imaging and video, as well as audio capabilities. The poor features are the ââ¬Å"resistive touch-screen is problematic; extremely sluggish performance; interface could be more intuitive; overall user experience could be better.â⬠2 The main product in which the Pandigital novel is consistently compared to is the Macintosh iPad. The reason for this being that the popularity of the iPad is substantial and thus the push to mimic the Mac device. Already the significant difference of the two is that the Pandigital Novel is much less in cost than the iPad ($199 vs. $499+). Unfortunately, the consumer appears to be getting what he or she pays for in the less expensive model due to the fact that the screen is not as responsive and the programs can be slow-acting in the Pandigital Novel. The iPad carries many more features including two cameras, HD recording, dual-core A5 chip, 10-house battery life, thinner, lighter, and comes with 16 applications to name a few.3 Apple as a producer was able to quickly produce a newer version of the iPad faster than the Pandigital Novel producers. ... cripples reaching Wi-Fi hotspots.4 Although, it allows for more memory space by having a slot for an SD card, the natural memory storage in the iPad super exceeds the Pandigital Novel. In essence, the Pandigital Novel has its issues, especially in light of its top competitor, the iPad. However, what consumers must recognize is that the Pandigital Novel is significantly less money than the iPad. It is also offering specs that many consumers would be satisfied with dependant on their needs. If the consumer is not desiring all of the extra applications or browsing features that are better on the iPad and wanting a simple, but radiant e-book reader, than the Pandigital Novel is a befitting choice. Works Cited Carnoy, David. "Pandigital Novel (white)." Cnet Reviews. Ed. John P. Falcone. N.p., 17 Aug. 2010. Web. 6 July 2011. . "iPad: There's more to it. And even less of it." N.p., n.d. Web. 6 July 2011. . Joan, Ben. "Difference Between Apple iPad and Pandigital Novel." Differenc N.p., n.d. Web. 6 July 2011. . "Pandigital Novel Color Multimedia eReaders - U.S." Pandigital. N.p., n.d. Web. 6 July 2011.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Project Management(file one) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Project Management(file one) - Essay Example The activity is determined by Mean = (o + 4m + p)/6. Its variance will be given by activity (Variance) = ((p - o)/6)2. The value attained is the z-value which can be related in the z-tables to give the probability of completing the project in time (Phillips, 2004). The CPM/PERT technique were used alongside the base lines for cost, work and schedule variances. The assumption taken was that the duration of activities was established with certainty. The realistic duration will make up to precisely as estimated (Oduwole, 2002). Nonetheless, in actual activities, this is impossible and several projects entail variability in activity times owing to factors like lack of previous experience, breakdown of equipment, erratic weather conditions. Besides, late supply of deliveries is an impediment. PERT analysis is applicable when activity durations are not known with precision. It constitutes three estimates of the activity duration as opposed to the single value analysis identified with CPM: The base line conditions for this report assessed and evaluated the situation of work considering the baseline and actual reporting. For instance, a deviation in the original budget is captured and observed in the percentage of work covered, the budget allocation and the amount of work remaining. This is a useful piece to learn from since the project manager can read the variance with ease and try to correct any change in project scope (Oduwole, 2002). This is the significance of using project management techniques to monitor and evaluate work progress. Any work related delays will be easily identified and correction made by observing the cause of such changes (Heerkens, 2007). Similarly, the schedule can be monitored for deviation. The possible correction to schedule is to check on the capability of the manpower or work force (Cleland, & Ireland, 2006). If work is going slowly than expected, it may mean that
Friday, November 15, 2019
Nathaniel Hawthorne | Dr Heideggers Experiment
Nathaniel Hawthorne | Dr Heideggers Experiment Dr. Heideggers Experiment is a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in the 19th century. Dr. Heideggers Experiment is about a doctor who claims to have water from the fountain of youth. He then he invites his friends over and conducts an experiment on them. He uses the water from the fountain of youth and makes them young again, but they break the vase holding the water and it wears off. Nathaniel Hawthorne is an American novelist and writer. He is known for his allegorical tales and excellent usage of literary devices. In Dr. Heideggers Experiment, Hawthorne uses symbolism, allegory and characterization to describe how people dont learn from their mistakes. Hawthorne uses the characterization of Dr. Heidegger to describe how people dont learn from their mistakes. Right before Dr. Heidegger lets his friends drink the water from the fountain of youth he says, Before you drink, my respectable old friends, said he, it would be well that, with the experience of a lifetime to direct you, you should draw up a few general rules for your guidance, in passing a second time through the perils of youth. Think what a sin and shame it would be, if, with your peculiar advantages, you should not become patterns of virtue and wisdom to all the young people of the age!' (Holt 231). Dr. Heidegger is characterized as uninterested in the how growing young again happens, or how the water from the fountain works. It is also revealed that Dr. Heidegger is wise, and is seeking answers about peoples behaviour and the folly of man. Dr. Heidegger has the intention of testing whether if given the opportunity, will people change their ways and learn from their mista kes. After the vase holding the water from the fountain breaks, Dr. Heidegger says, Yes, friends, ye are old again, said Dr. Heidegger, and lo! the Water of Youth is all lavished on the ground. WellI bemoan it not; for if the fountain gushed at my very doorstep, I would not stoop to bathe my lips in itno, though its delirium were for years instead of moments. Such is the lesson ye have taught me!' (235). It is revealed that Dr. Heidegger is curious about whether one will learn from his/her mistakes of the past. Dr. Heideggers experiments hypothesis that people dont learn from their mistakes was proven to be accurate. For my own part, having had much trouble in growing old, Im in no hurry to grow young again (231). Dr. Heidegger is characterized as one who values age and experience which he understands gives him wisdom. He remembers the mistakes he made in the past and learns from it. Hawthorne wrote Dr. Heideggers Experiment as allegory, where the four friends taking part in the experiment stand for mistakes and flaws which they dont change, to describe how people dont learn from their mistakes. As Hawthorne introduces the characters at the beginning of the short story he writes, Mr. Medbourne, in the vigor of his age, had been a prosperous merchant, but had lost his all by a frantic speculation, and was now little better than a mendicant (228). Mr. Medbourne stands for greed. He lost money making bad business decisions in the past. After the four friends transformed into their younger selves, Hawthorne writes, Mr. Medbourne was involved in a calculation of dollars and cents, with which was strangely intermingled a project for supplying the East Indies with ice, by harnessing a team of whales to the polar icebergs (233). Mr. Medbourne made the same foolish greedy business ventures again when he transformed. He has not learned from his mistakes. As Hawthorne intro duces the characters at the beginning of the short story he writes, Colonel Killigrew had wasted his best years, and his health and substance, in the pursuit of sinful pleasures, which had given birth to a brood of pains, such as the gout, and divers other torments of soul and body (228). He also describes Colonel Killgrew later in the story, Colonel Killigrews compliments were not always measured by sober truth (232). Colonel Killigrew stands for dishonesty and sin. He was a liar and pursued sinful pleasures, such as drinking and lusting. After the four friends transformed into their younger selves, Hawthorne writes, Colonel Killigrew all this time had been trolling forth a jolly bottle song, and ringing his glass in symphony with the chorus, while his eyes wandered toward the buxom figure of the Widow Wycherly (233). Colonel Killigrew is once again lusting and drinking excessively when he transformed. He is repeating the mistakes he made in the past. As Hawthorne introduces the ch aracters at the beginning of the short story he writes, Mr. Gascoigne was a ruined politician, a man of evil fame, or at least had been so till time had buried him from the knowledge of the present generation, and made him obscure instead of infamous (228). Mr. Gascoigne stands for stagnation. He failed as politician due to the lack of new ideas. After the four friends transformed into their younger selves, Hawthorne writes, Mr. Gascoignes mind seemed to run on political topics, but whether relating to the past, present, or future, could not easily be determined, since the same ideas and phrases have been in vogue these fifty years (233). His mind ran on the same ideas and topics just as he did in the past. He didnt learn from his mistakes and change. As Hawthorne introduces the characters at the beginning of the short story he writes, As for the Widow Wycherly, tradition tells us that she was a great beauty in her day; but, for a long while past, she had lived in deep seclusion, on account of certain scandalous stories which had prejudiced the gentry of the town against her (228). Widow Wycherly stands for vanity and promiscuity. She was very beautiful and did many scandalous things which forced her to go into hiding. After the four friends transformed into their younger selves, Hawthorne writes, As for the Widow Wycherly, she stood before the mirror courtesying and simpering to her own image, and greeting it as the friend whom she loved better than all the world beside. She thrust her face close to the glass, to see whether some long-remembered wrinkle or crows foot had indeed vanished. She examined whether the snow had so entirely melted from her hair that the venerable cap could be safely thrown aside (233). Hawthorne also writes, Doctor, you dear old soul, cried she, gets up and dance with me!' (234). Widow Wycherly is repeating her obsession with looks and vanity. She is also not changing her old promiscuous ways. She doesnt learn from her mistakes. When introducing the characters, Hawthorne also writes, It is a circumstance worth mentioning that each of these three old gentlemen, Mr. Medbourne, Colonel Killigrew, and Mr. Gascoigne, were early lovers of the Widow Wycherly, and had once been on the point of cutting each others throats for her sake (228). The three men used to fight over Wycherly. This conflict between the characters stands for hate. After the transformation, Hawthorne also writes, Dance with me, Clara! cried Colonel Killigrew. No, no, I will be her partner! shouted Mr. Gascoigne. She promised me her hand, fifty years ago! exclaimed Mr. Medbourne. They all gathered round her. One caught both her hands in his passionate grasp another threw his arm about her waistthe third buried his hand among the glossy curls that clustered beneath the widows cap. Blushing, panting, struggling, chiding, laughing, her warm breath fanning each of their faces by turns, she strove to disengage herself, yet still remained in their triple embrace (234). The four of them repeated what happened in the past and the men started fighting over Wycherly again. They all again didnt learn from their mistakes. Hawthorne uses symbolism of items belonging to Dr. Heidegger to describe how people dont learn from their mistakes. When describing Dr. Heideggers study, it says, Between two of the bookcases hung a looking-glass, presenting its high and dusty plate within a tarnished gilt frame. Among many wonderful stories related of this mirror, it was fabled that the spirits of all the doctors deceased patients dwelt within its verge, and would stare him in the face whenever he looked thitherward (229). The mirror symbolizes Dr. Heideggers failures as a doctor. The mirror reminds him of those failures and he learns from them. After the transformation and when they are fighting over Wycherly, it says, Never was there a lovelier picture of youthful rivalship, with bewitching beauty as the prize. Yet by some strange deception, owning to the duskiness of the chamber, and the antique dresses which they still wore, the tall mirror is said to have reflected the figures of three, old, gray, withered gran d-sires, ridiculously contending for the skinny ugliness of a shrivelled grand-dam (234). The mirror reveals that they are making the same mistakes as they did in the past and how foolish they are. The mirror symbolizes their repetition of those mistakes. When first introducing the experiment Dr Hiedegger says, This rose, said Dr. Heidegger, with a sigh, this same withered and crumbling flower, blossomed five and fifty years ago. It was given me by Sylvia Ward, whose portrait hangs yonder; and I meant to wear it in my bosom at our wedding. Five and fifty years it has been treasured between the leaves of this old volume. Now, would you deem it possible that this rose of half a century could ever bloom again?' (230). Dr. Heidegger kept this rose as a reminder of his mistakes in his relationship with his dead wife. It symbolizes Dr. Heideggers learned lessons of the past. Also in the description of Dr. Heideggers study, it says, In the obscurest corner of the room stood a tall and narr ow oaken closet, with its door ajar, within which doubtfully appeared a skeleton (229).The skeleton symbolizes peoples refusal to learn from their mistakes and as a result being internally dead. The skeleton being kept in the closet reveals that Dr. Heidegger has past horrible mistakes that he now learns from. The usage of the literary devices characterization, allegory and symbolism by Hawthorne excellently reveals the theme of the story, which is that people dont learn from their mistakes. Hawthorne characterizes Dr. Heidegger as wise and seeking answers about peoples behavior. Dr. Heideggers real intention of the experiment was to find out whether his friends will learn from their mistakes. Dr. Heideggers Experiment is written as an allegory. The four friends taking part in the experiment stand for the mistakes of the past which stay unchanged. Mr. Medbourne represents greed, Colonel Killigrew represents dishonesty and sin, Mr. Gascoigne represents stagnation, and Widow Wycherly represents vanity and promiscuity. The three mens conflict over Widow Wycherly represents hate. Items owned by Dr. Heidegger symbolize different aspects of learning from mistakes. The mirror represents Dr. Heideggers mistakes as a doctor and the repetition of mistake. The rose symbolizes Dr. Heideggers learned l essons of the past. The skeleton symbolizes Dr. Heideggers mistakes and also people not learning from their mistakes. Siddhartha: Book Analysis Siddhartha: Book Analysis One utilizes a potters wheel to mold and shape a piece of clay. As the wheel continues to spin, the clay transforms into a beautiful shape of art. This tool, however exists as more than just a mechanism for sculpting clay. The potters wheel stands as a profound metaphor for the circle of life. Herman Hesses prolific novel, Siddhartha, illustrates this metaphor through the examination of its protagonists life. In Siddharthas spiritual journey, his potters wheel initially spins, then slows down almost to the point of a standstill, and, with the help of that delay, sets into motion again. Just as the wheel physically sculpts clay into beautiful art, it metaphorically sculpts Siddharthas life into enlightenment. Siddharthas potters wheel spins from the very beginning of the story. Even his name exemplifies this metaphor, for it translates into the journey of life. (Lachotta) As the son of a Brahmin, Siddhartha feels unsatisfied with his transitory existence. (Hesse) He constantly thirsts for spiritual knowledge. In an effort to obtain this knowledge, he pumps the pedal of his potters wheel, and leaves his family behind to live a life of asceticism. On his spiritual journey, he encounters the samanas and Gotama, but cannot accept their teachings. He believes that true peace cannot be taught; he must experience it for himself. He expresses this belief in his conversation with the exalted Buddha, stating that for myself alone must I judge, must I choose, must I decline. (Hesse) In essence, he believes that he exists as the only potter in control of his wheel. He realizes that only he can cultivate his clay of life. As his journey continues into the city, his eyes become transfixed on an entirel y different existence Kamalas love. Although he previously denies all teachers, he allows Kamala and Kamaswami to teach him the arts of love and trade. This sets the new motion within his potters wheel, and ultimately, the new motion within his circle of life. As Siddhartha adapts to this new life of prosperity, he remains the samana within his heart. He continues to practice his own arts of thinking, fasting, and waiting, and feels indifferent to business affairs. (Hesse) However, as he plunges further into the world of the child people, his wheel begins to slow. The game of samsara begins to occupy his thoughts as much as the gods and Brahmin once [occupy] them. As Siddhartha makes love to Kamala, he slowly becomes seized by the spiritual malaise of the rich. (Hesse) The potters wheel within in his soul encompasses the wheel of asceticism, the wheel of thinking, [and] the wheel of determination. These wheels continue to whirl. However, they now spin slowly and hesitantly, and nearly [come] to a standstill. A slower speed in a potters wheel prompts errors in the clays structure. Similarly, this speed endangers Siddharthas self. Once the wheel reaches a standstill, it contains the potential to permanently engulf its creation. Siddhartha no tices this gradual transformation within his self, but becomes paralyzed to act against it. He lives as the hollow men do in the twilight kingdom. (Eliot) No longer a man of spirituality, he becomes a prisoner to gambling, wine, and dancing girls; he exists as the bird in the golden cage. In a symbolic dream, Siddhartha sees that the bird in the golden cage lies dead. This prompts him to head to the river, where his wheel sets into another motion. Upon his arrival to the river, Siddhartha stands hesitantly by the shore. The bird in his heart feels dead, and thus, his potters wheel feels at a standstill. He spits at his reflection, and then plunges into the water, where he sinks down toward death. Then he hears a word from the remote precincts of his soul. The holy OM of perfect completion penetrates his being, and sets his wheel in motion again. Siddhartha feels reborn. He realizes that with his unity of suffering and prosperity, he achieves true understanding of the world; he achieves nirvana. Although the slowing of the wheel exists as potentially detrimental to the clay, it also exists as necessary for a beautiful masterpiece. Paralleling the unity of both worlds, a potter must spin the wheel both fast to make the clay taller, and slow to center it. (Devries) Thus, Siddhartha molds his clay into enlightenment. Also, just as Siddhartha went through many smaller cycles to achieve his goals, the potters wheel spins in smaller cycles as it cultivates the clay. Siddhartha realizes these many cycles of life when he tells Govinda that the wheel of forms turns quickly. Furthermore, the river guides Siddhartha through his entire journey, just as the potter must continuously wet the clay as he guides its final shape. Water, therefore, exists as the sustenance for the potters wheel, in both physical and metaphorical terms. Siddharthas wheel sets into motion again, and ultimately, he completes his circle of life. Overall, Siddharthas spiritual journey parallels that of a potters wheel. Hesse creates this metaphor as the circle of life, and intricately weaves it throughout his entire novel. Siddharthas wheel initially spins, slows down almost to a standstill, and, with the help of that delay, sets into motion again. A potter must meet both motions in order to obtain a deeper and more beautiful creation. Otherwise, the creation exists as nothing more than a shadow, just as Siddhartha before he obtains his unity. In the end, Siddharthas circle of life results in an enlightened self. With his potters wheel, he creates something beautiful.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mark Twain :: essays research papers
In our time, there has been many authors. Perhaps the most interesting and most widely known author has been Mark Twain. Born Samuel Langhorne Clemens in 1835 in Florida, Missouri, Clemens has been known as a humorist, narrator, and social observer. Clemens works are some of the most widely known pieces in this country, and perhaps even the world. At the age of 4, Clemens moved with his family to Hannibal, Missouri, a port located on the Mississippi River. In 1851, he began setting type for and contributing sketches to his brother Orion's newspaper, the Hannibal Journal. Later, Clemens was a steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River until the Civil War. In 1862 he became a reporter for the Territorial Enterprise in Virginia City, Nevada. In 1863, he started using his pseudonym Mark Twain, which was a river call for a depth of two fathoms. This was the beginning of Mark Twain, because in 1865, he published The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calavaras County and within months the author and the story had become national sensations. Two of his recent novels have also been extremely popular. The Gilded Age, which was published in 1873, took a look into the materialism and corruption in the 1870's. Another book, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, has been very popular. The story celebrates boyhood in a town on the Mississippi River. Reporters and many other people have been awaiting a sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, but the author has not promised anything. He states that he is now working on another novel, which has yet to be named, but has given the plot away.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Sonnet 43
ââ¬Å"I have hated words and I have loved them, and I hope I have made them right. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"Like most misery, it started with apparent happiness. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"I wanted to tell the book thief many things, about beauty and brutality. But what could I tell her about those things that she didn't already know? I wanted to explain that I am constantly overestimating and underestimating the human race-that rarely do I ever simply estimate it. I wanted to ask her how the same thing could be so ugly and so glorious, and its words and stories so damning and brilliant. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"She leaned down and looked at his lifeless face and Leisel kissed her best friend, Rudy Steiner, soft and true on his lips. He tasted dusty and sweet. He tasted like regret in the shadows of trees and in the glow of the anarchist's suit collection. She kissed him long and soft, and when she pulled herself away, she touched his mouth with her fingersâ⬠¦ She did not say goodbye. She was incapable, and after a few more minutes at his side, she was able to tear herself from the ground. It amazes me what humans can do, even when streams are flowing down their faces and they stagger onâ⬠¦ à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"Imagine smiling after a slap in the face. Then think of doing it twenty-four hours a day. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"I carried [Rudy] softly through the broken streetâ⬠¦ with him I tried a little harder [at comforting]. I watched the contents of his soul for a moment and saw a black-p ainted boy calling the name Jesse Owens as he ran through an imaginary tape. I saw him hip-deep in some icy water, chasing a book, and I saw a boy lying in bed, imagining how a kiss would taste from his glorious next-door neighbor. He does something to me, that boy. Every time. It's his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"He does something to me, that boy. Every time. Itââ¬â¢s his only detriment. He steps on my heart. He makes me cry. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"The consequence of this is that I'm always finding humans at their best and worst. I see their ugly and their beauty, and I wonder how the same thing can be both. (Death)â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief ââ¬Å"Somewhere, far down, there was an itch in his heart, but he made it a point not to scratch it. He was afraid of what might come leaking out. â⬠à ? Markus Zusak,à The Book Thief
Friday, November 8, 2019
Problem solving skills Training and the Workplace
Problem solving skills Training and the Workplace Introduction Effective problem solving training offered at the workplace help employees to develop problem-solving techniques. When employees develop these skills, they will operate more actively and effectively. Techniques allow employees to identify and analyze problems in the working fraternity.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Problem solving skills Training and the Workplace specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It allows them to evaluate the impact and severity of unconventional solutions to the underlying problem with the stakeholders, clients, and allies. The employees, upon training, will know how to utilize the available possessions to perform tasks properly. They will also learn to achieve organizational goals by solving problems as a team and not as individuals. Training programs include preparing employees for organization problems, and vast business orientation. Objective finding Objective finding is the segment of identifying goals, challenges, and wishes upon which a supervisor or manger wants to work upon. Specialized proficiency training programs are created and proposed to help employees adopt problem solving ideas and methods. The employees should be coached and presented with materials that will help them learn how to identify a predicament. In an organization, the supervisor divides the employees into groups and allocates pertinent tasks for them to tackle. The employees will try to solve the situations such as ineffective communication between management and stakeholders, client issues, and vendor-manager relations. Profound training skills will help employees to identify some possible causes of the ongoing state of affairs. The training program will help employees to set aside and segregate the facts. When they find the cause of the problem, they will be able to know the reasons and therefore, will come up with a strategy on how to avoid future occurrences. Fact-fin ding Fact- finding is where relevant data is gathered. The situation and background should be established. This segment also incorporates feelings, data, questions, and figures. After putting down all the appropriate information about a setback, the employees or in this case participants will have the facts required to state solutions required to curb the situation. Training seminars help employees to learn more about their experienced members. The training programs motivate employees and help them learn innovative and creative techniques required to solve internal setbacks. The employees put down the setback resolution methods, and the merits and demerits linked with the techniques. Problem finding The actual problem to be focused on should be clarified and established. Problem solving techniques supervisor instructs the employees to evaluate alternatives appropriately. When the employees learn to propagate decisions profoundly, they will handle tasks in an effective way. They shou ld analyze and review case studies, consult and dialogue with business experts, and participate in healthy business oriented workshops and competitions in order to evaluate the alternatives effectively.Advertising Looking for critical writing on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Idea finding and solution implementation Possible for solving the problem should be established. The solution should be carefully selected to know how to strengthen them. Employees ought to know how to determine the impact before implementing a solution. The employees should recall previous problem solution strategies for them to be able to handle the present situations successfully. At the training seminars, employees are taught how to perfect their capabilities to remember facts by partitioning data into groups. For them to be able to do this, they should adopt and use appropriate methods to make reminiscence and visualizing the su rrounding to recollect and categorize information. The employees also establish the importance of evaluating the triumphant alternatives. This will help in handling situations in the future by applying the same problem solving technique. Acceptance fining and what I learnt From the training program, I learnt that employees would know how to solve problems in the workplace as a team. The training program helps them to enhance their communication between each other and the management. I also learn that the recognition and support ceremony help employees to know their strengths and importance to the organization. Conclusion Every organization should ensure that their employees acquire the relevant problem solving technique. This will help maximize production and improve customer-management relations thus achieving goals of the organization.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on Down These Mean Streets By Piri Thomas
ââ¬Å"Down these Mean Streetsâ⬠is a book about a young man (Piri Thomas) who was born in1928 and grew up in an impoverished part of Harlem called Spanish Harlem or the Barrio (as he calls it). It deals with his struggles with his family, friends, drugs, and the law. Throughout the book Piri deals with many racial issues within society and the way society treats him because of his ethnicity. As a young boy he grew up in a predominantly Spanish area of Harlem. Piri was generally ignorant of racism and never really experienced any kind of ethnic hatred. Then when he was in middle school his family and he moved to a Italian area of Harlem. This is when he first recognized that people did not like him because of his Hispanica background. A group of Italian boys started to harass him as he walked home from school saying racial slurs like ââ¬Å"spicâ⬠and asking if he had any senoritas for sisters. They asked him where he was born and Piri told them Harlem Hospital. One of the Italian boys said. ââ¬Å"I knew he was a nigger all the colored people are born there.â⬠Then Piri explained that all types of people were born there like: coloredââ¬â¢s, Puerto Ricans and even Italians like them. The boys got offended and one of them hit him. Some of the older Italian people saw what was going on and broke up the fight. Piri was glad they did but still felt much hatred toward the Italians and said he could have loved them (for breaking up the fight) if he didnââ¬â¢t hate them so much. Later Piri stood up to one of the Italian and challenged him to a one on one fight to see if he had any heart. While They fought Piri heard the home cheers of ââ¬Å"Yea, yea, bust that spic wide open.â⬠Piri was winning the fight and the Italian boy got angry and threw gravel in his eyes. All of the rest of the Italian boys disapproved of what their friend had done and said that Piri had heart. Piri went to the Hospital and had his eyes Flushed out. It was not long b... Free Essays on Down These Mean Streets By Piri Thomas Free Essays on Down These Mean Streets By Piri Thomas ââ¬Å"Down these Mean Streetsâ⬠is a book about a young man (Piri Thomas) who was born in1928 and grew up in an impoverished part of Harlem called Spanish Harlem or the Barrio (as he calls it). It deals with his struggles with his family, friends, drugs, and the law. Throughout the book Piri deals with many racial issues within society and the way society treats him because of his ethnicity. As a young boy he grew up in a predominantly Spanish area of Harlem. Piri was generally ignorant of racism and never really experienced any kind of ethnic hatred. Then when he was in middle school his family and he moved to a Italian area of Harlem. This is when he first recognized that people did not like him because of his Hispanica background. A group of Italian boys started to harass him as he walked home from school saying racial slurs like ââ¬Å"spicâ⬠and asking if he had any senoritas for sisters. They asked him where he was born and Piri told them Harlem Hospital. One of the Italian boys said. ââ¬Å"I knew he was a nigger all the colored people are born there.â⬠Then Piri explained that all types of people were born there like: coloredââ¬â¢s, Puerto Ricans and even Italians like them. The boys got offended and one of them hit him. Some of the older Italian people saw what was going on and broke up the fight. Piri was glad they did but still felt much hatred toward the Italians and said he could have loved them (for breaking up the fight) if he didnââ¬â¢t hate them so much. Later Piri stood up to one of the Italian and challenged him to a one on one fight to see if he had any heart. While They fought Piri heard the home cheers of ââ¬Å"Yea, yea, bust that spic wide open.â⬠Piri was winning the fight and the Italian boy got angry and threw gravel in his eyes. All of the rest of the Italian boys disapproved of what their friend had done and said that Piri had heart. Piri went to the Hospital and had his eyes Flushed out. It was not long b...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Arguments for abortion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Arguments for abortion - Essay Example Moreover the extent of abortion has also reduced a great deal because of the spread of awareness regarding safe sex and encouraged use of contraceptives, among even people living in the rural and backward areas of the world. The legality of abortion is a much debated topic in most countries around the world with some countriesââ¬â¢ constitutions looking down upon the subject and others allowing it with certain exceptions and till a certain date of the growth of the embryo. Many people are even concerned with the ethical issue of abortion and whether or not it involves killing another soul; all these controversies have caused a great deal of scarring on the right that women have over abortion too, because after all they carry the child and have to go through all the pain and physical trauma. (Mappes, Thomas A., and David DeGrazia) Most abortions that take place are due to unintended pregnancies and the abortion takes place depending upon the gestation period of the embryo because i f the embryo has grown into a foetus of 5 or more months, it may not be possible to carry out an elective or therapeutic mode of abortion as by the time, the baby is almost fully developed. Many abortions are carried out because of issues ranging from rape and incest to health risks being posed to the womanââ¬â¢s body and her inability to carry the child due to lack of nutrition, proper health care facilities etc. In many cases, the abortion may be spontaneous, resulting in a miscarriage, when the embryo or the foetus faces an unintentional expulsion. This usually takes place before the 24th week of gestation. If a miscarriage takes place before 37 weeks of gestation then it is termed as a premature birth and not an abortion or miscarriage because by this time, the live infant is delivered, and may in many cases be a still born. Such spontaneous abortions may be caused by accidental trauma or even stress. (Mappes, Thomas A., and David DeGrazia) The medical methods of having an ab ortion till the early gestation period include ingesting medicines containing mifepristone misoprostol combinations of 200 mg followed by 800 mcg of vaginal or buccal misoprostol and these medicines may be effective till the 9th gestation week. In most European countries like France, Britain, Switzerland and Nordic countries this is the most common medicine used by people and they tend to abort their pregnancies before the 9th week. In the United States of America on the other hand, the number of women ending their pregnancies in such early weeks are far lower. The surgical methods used till 15 weeks of gestation are suction or vacuum aspiration where a syringe is used to remove the foetus or the embryo and the placenta with an electric pump. (Mappes, Thomas A., and David DeGrazia) Many doctors also use the method of menstrual extraction where a cervical dilation is not required. Another method encouraged by the World Health Organization is called Curettage where the walls of the ut erus are cleaned with a curette, leading to very less chances of infection and bleeding. In many backward areas of the world, several unclean and unhygienic methods are used that are very unsafe and tend to cause deaths among pregnant women in their attempt to have their child aborted such as the insertion of objects like hangers and knitting needles inside the vagina to remove the foetus or embryo. The issue of abortion is one of the most widely discussed debates in the world today; it involves the riddance
Friday, November 1, 2019
Compare and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different Essay
Compare and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of haemapoietic stem cells in transplantation - Essay Example Stem cell transplantation can be defined as a process by which stem cells from the patient or a donors bone marrow are removed and re-infused into the patient to produce healthy blood cells (Australian Academy of Science, 2001). Stem cell transplants may be allogeneic, syngeneic or autologous. The most common sources for such transplants are bone marrow, blood and umbilical cord or placental stem cells (Gross & Johnson, 1998. ) Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is a procedure wherein the bone marrow, which has been destroyed subsequent to chemotherapy or radiation, is replaced with healthy bone marrow. Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) involves replacing blood-forming cells destroyed by cancer treatment with immature blood cells (stem cells), which helps the bone marrow to recover and produce healthy blood cells as before (NCI, nd). Transplantation may be of three types (Rosenbaum & Rosenbaum, 2005): a. Autologous transplants, wherein patients have their own healthy bone marrow cells removed and stored till the time of transplant. Later, chemotherapy, and radiation in some cases, is administered to destroy any remaining diseased cells. b. Syngeneic transplants, wherein patients receive stem cells donated by their identical twin (monozygotic twin). In this case, in addition to HLA, all other genetic loci are also matched (Carella et al, 2001.). Although the development of GVHD can be avoided, the risk of relapse is greater in patients with leukaemia. This is due to the lack of GVL effect (Yarbro, Frogge & Goodman, 2005.) c. Allogeneic transplants, where patients receive stem cells donated by their brother, sister or parent (related allogeneic transplant) or an unrelated donor (unrelated allogeneic transplant). In order to find a potential donor, Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) testing has to be performed. The sources for
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Evidence Based Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Evidence Based - Assignment Example Critical appraisal is currently a key component included in the training and continuing professional development of all health professionals like nurses in various settings (Burls, 2009). Critical appraisal allows a nurse to judge the validity, reliability and applicability of results of any clinical research while applying it to practice (Burls, 2009). This is because, the process includes intrinsic factors of research like study design, methods, results, etc,to analyze the value of the study. Critical appraisal is a very essential component of evidence based practice which is gaining momentum. The process of critical appraisal involves identifying the appropriateness of the study for the purpose of evidence based practice, ascertaining whether the studies have been conducted in a way which makes the results sensible, making sense of the results by analyzing the methodology of analysis and also understanding the meaning of the results in the context of decision making (Burls, 2009). One of the main challenges to implementation of critical appraisal for evidence based practice is lack of evidence seeking behaviour amongst many clinicians, poor attitude towards evidence based practice, need for appropriate technical knowledge of research design and statistics which are difficult to acquire and lack of time (Brice and Booth, 2005). Brice, A., and Booth, A. (2005). Fusion or confusion?: challenges in applying critical appraisal methods to the health library literature. EAHIL Workshop: Implementation of quality systems and certification of biomedical libraries, Palermo, June 23-25, 2005. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from Burls, A. (2009). What is Critical Appraisal? Evidence Based Medicane Second Edition. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from
Monday, October 28, 2019
Family Effects on Criminal Behavior Essay Example for Free
Family Effects on Criminal Behavior Essay It is rare for a person to see someone, who comes from a ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠family per say, to get into criminal behavior but it does happen. These people are brought up in this world with high standards and at some point they just canââ¬â¢t take it. Theyââ¬â¢re brought up with high expectations on them so when they canââ¬â¢t be met they find a way to cope. They turn to things, such as drug abuse, to make it through their situations. Others are just anti-social so they donââ¬â¢t know another way out but to turn to something that will accept them. Family has a major effect on what theyââ¬â¢ll do. If they expect them how they are flaws and all theyââ¬â¢re more likely to stay away from criminal behavior. But if they expect nothing but perfection and then are shunned on for not meeting those standards, they find a way to cope. They turn to things that you wouldnââ¬â¢t expect them to do. Theyââ¬â¢re brought up to high expectations. Then thereââ¬â¢s people who arenââ¬â¢t brought up in a ââ¬Å"good familyâ⬠and donââ¬â¢t turn to the criminal behavior. These people are doing it for themselves. They saw what it was like to come from a ââ¬Å"poor familyâ⬠and donââ¬â¢t want to be that way the rest of their lives. They know what itââ¬â¢s like to live without the things they need and they want better for their future. They arenââ¬â¢t held to meet high expectations so any type of accomplishment they met is highly looked upon. But then there is the person who was brought up in a ââ¬Å"good familyâ⬠and isnââ¬â¢t looked upon as doing something so amazing. They just break at some point. But the ones who donââ¬â¢t come from a ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠family are given praise. People that come from a ââ¬Å"goodâ⬠family have more pressure on them to be a better person. They have high family values to meet. In Agnewââ¬â¢s Sources of Strain and Their Consequences it states one of the sources of strain is failure to achieve goals and one of the negative affective states could be anger or frustration. So then they turn to drug abuse or violence. But in some cases itââ¬â¢s not the family who has the effect on them. Because in the social learning theory it states that, people act aggressively because, as children, they modeled after the violent acts of adults. So when people are brought up in this world with those role models they try to be just like them. So a personââ¬â¢s acts arenââ¬â¢t only affected by their family. But their family does have a great deal on how theyââ¬â¢ll be in the future. Though it is more likely for people that come from a disadvantaged family to turn to crime, there are always exceptions to everything. People can come from a good family and still turn to crime. They find a way to be individual, to stand out from the rest of the family. They want to have their own individuality and be paid attention to and if crime is the only way they are seen, the crime is what they will turn to. As for people who come from a poor family they may want to be able to give back to their family what they couldnââ¬â¢t be given. They strive to be different and stand out from the rest of their family. They too are looking for individuality.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Reading Log for The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter Literature Reading Logs Essays
Reading Log for The Scarlet Letter 1. Chapter one thoroughly describes the Jailhouse and the surrounding landscape. Tells of the huge wooden edifices whose threshold is timbered and iron barred. Gives the description of the peoples clothing who were congregating outside of the prison. It also describes the necessity of a new colony first building a prison and graveyard. In the last paragraph it tells of a rose bush outside of the oaken doors. The author describes the awkwardness of having such a beautiful plant surrounded by weeds and shrubs. 2. (Page 50) The rose-bush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the stern old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed it, --or whether, as there is fair authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Anne Hutchinson, --we shall not take upon us to determine. I believe these lines are important because they illustrate some of the mythology of the times in which this book was set. The author also goes on to describe how this rose bush could symbolize two different things depending on the readers perspective; A tale of morals blossoming; or a tale of human frailty and sorrow. 3. I think chapter one should have been more obvious to the setting and time frame in which the story takes place. By text one assumes it is set in a new colony in early American history, however it should give a precise time in my opinion. Hawthorne does an excellent job of helping the reader visualize the story and is able to present a question of opinion in the first chapter, which shows great writing skills. 4. The first chapter reminds me of Where The Red Fern Grows. The rose bush that is mentioned briefly has much to do with the story even though there is little reference to it. In WTRFG the fern is actually not so much part of the story as an idea represented through a physical inanimate object, as I believe the rose bush to be. Later in the novel Pearl says she came from the rose bush by the prison door, that shows her beauty and resilience as a comparison to an object unable to show emotion. 25, 2001 Chapter 2 Pages 51 to 61 1. This chapter gives a little more setting of the town describing the short journey from the jail to the scaffold and town center.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ethical Argument Cover Letter Essay
This is my submission for the Ethical Argument writing assignment. I was asked to choose a topic to write and I chose to write about the Ethical Arguments against Abortion. Initially, I had many choices but I landed on this mainly because this is a broad topic as it covers science, religion, and human rights. Since this is a broad topic, it was also difficult to choose which part of abortion is suitable for this argument and which part of abortion I can write without injecting my personal views and opinion. Thus, I decided to write to focus on why abortion is acceptable for the case of life endangerment and why it canââ¬â¢t be accepted in rape cases. The purpose of this essay is to show arguments about the legalization of abortion with regards to life endangerment against rape case. Perhaps, the most difficult part of writing this paper is to weigh objectively the stand of abortion in the two cases given in this essay. However, the parallel or example I gave helped me arrive to the argument I presented. I hope that this writing will meet your requirements and I would be glad to receive some feedbacks from you. Respectfully Yours, Studentââ¬â¢s Name Studentââ¬â¢s Name Professorââ¬â¢s Name Subject 29 April 2009 Ethical Arguments against Abortion For years, we have heard a lot of arguments against abortion; arguments as to why or why not abortion should be legalized. It seems to be a never-ending debate especially when taken from a pro-life perspective. Arguments against abortion often range from objections based on the USAââ¬â¢s constitution protection of the rights to human life to biblical belief that human life starts at conception. However, more arguments and objections arise when a law justifying abortion for mothers whose lives are endangered because of pregnancy has been approved, whereas others are questioning that if this is permissible, why canââ¬â¢t rape cases be? This essay offers arguments and responses as to why it is morally illegitimate to have abortion in the event of rape, while it is fairly acceptable to commit abortion when the motherââ¬â¢s life is endangered. Letââ¬â¢s look at the rape issue first. One of the fundamental beliefs of personââ¬â¢s rights regarding any system concerning the use of disciplinary force is that is to be applied only against those individuals responsible for the initiation of force. In this situation, the guilty party is the rapist and not the fetus. Moreover, in this case, the law might legally grant its authority to terminate the rapist, since rape is considered as an abominable crime, but not the child, even if the childââ¬â¢s dependence on his mother was the result of the rape. Let me give you a parallel. Imagine that there are two mutually unfriendly people living in the same building during the bombing raids of Hitler in 1940. A bomb is thrown into the building and this causes all possible exits to collapse while destroying all the walls that separate the neighbors. In effect, they are forced to share the same space and work with each other in the hopes to channel themselves out despite a mutual dislike. Does the given scenario justify one of the two unfriendly neighbors killing the other because of the inconvenience caused by the other, even though none of them had really caused it, or wouldnââ¬â¢t it be proper to demand justice from the Nazi air marshal who had originally commanded the bombing raids? Although the bombing and rape are two immensely unlikely scenarios, both are possible and the possible circumstances here are parallel to that of a pregnancy caused by rape. Going to the motherââ¬â¢s life endangerment issue, no individual is really obliged to his or her own life to save another personââ¬â¢s life. Therefore, when it can be proved medically that the motherââ¬â¢s life is in fact significantly endangered by a pregnancy, then, an abortion may be undertaken as a final resort and an only situation where it is possible to support legal abortion and to remain loyal to the individual rightsââ¬â¢ principle; however, it is not an ordinary situation. Rather, it is considered an emergency, or a sort of situation as addressed in ââ¬Å"The Ethics of Emergenciesâ⬠written by Ayn Rand as part of her essay collection ââ¬Å"The Virtue of Selfishnessâ⬠. An emergency is an unchosen, unexpected event, limited in time that creates conditions under which human survival is impossible ââ¬â such as a flood, an earthquake, a fire, a shipwreck. It is only in emergency situations that one should volunteer to help strangers. For instance, a man who values human life and is caught in a shipwreck, should help to save his fellow passengers (though not at the expense of his own life). But this does not mean that after they all reach shore, he should devote his efforts to saving them from poverty, ignorance, neurosis or whatever other troubles they might have. Nor should he spend his life sailing the seven seas in search of shipwreck victims to save. (The Virtue of Selfishness) From this definition alone, the situation of a mother whose life is endangered because of pregnancy is considered as an emergency as long as the mother has no idea that her pregnancy would put her life into danger. However, if from the start, the mother already knew about her medical condition that pregnancy will do her no good, it must be her responsibility to avoid becoming pregnant and must do her best to protect her health. Should she decide to face the risk, aborting the baby must not be done. In addition, Rand writes in her essay that emergencies are always exempted from the rule. They are not the normal state of ethical human relations or of human existence. To say that such extreme action may be allowed in emergencies is simply not to extend the acceptability or tolerability to the realm of human existence as dealt with by the basics or fundamentals of ethics. So, just because abortion may be justified as a final resort in some unexpected circumstances, this does not mean that the general legalization of abortion may be justified, especially with the fact that most cases of abortion occur because a woman has gone through indiscriminate sexual relations and has never wished to bring upon herself the objective consequences of such actions which are the pregnancy and the responsibility and obligation of bringing up a child. Work Cited Rands, Ayn. ââ¬Å"The Virtue of Selfishnessâ⬠28 December 2008. Glyn Hughesââ¬â¢ Squashed Philosophers. 29 April 2009. Annotated Bibliography Rands, Ayn. ââ¬Å"The Virtue of Selfishnessâ⬠28 December 2008. Glyn Hughesââ¬â¢ Squashed Philosophers. 29 April 2009. Randââ¬â¢s essay collection ââ¬Å"The Virtue of Selfishnessâ⬠offers the basic or fundamental social principle of Objectivist ethics that life is simply an end itself, which simply means that every human being is an end himself. This also explains that man must live only for his own self and neither to sacrifice himself for others, nor having others to sacrifice themselves for him. The chapters in this essay collection could be easily included in the ethical argument writing especially when the topic is about sacrificing oneself or sacrificing others for the benefit of the other just like the topic in this argument.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Reflection On Experience
Last fall I started my Full-time MBA program. I was assigned to a group of five members, including myself. As part of our orientation, our first exercise was to take on a ropes course as a group. This exercise helped us to know more about each other and become more cohesive as we were unfamiliar with each other and meeting for the first time. We came from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different countries, but we shared similar goals.We had members that worked in operations, marketing, finance, and supply chain; some of us never worked in teams, so it was important for us to know each otherââ¬â¢s strengths and weaknesses and address each. We agreed as a group to make the most of our experience and try to help each other in achieving our goals. There were two sets of goals that our team worked for. We, as a group, hoped not only to deliver whatever requirements were in the programââ¬â¢s curriculum, but also we aimed to grow as individuals and as a group.It was ev ident from day one that each member of this team was aiming to excel and becoming distinct from other groups. Our common goal of excelling made it easier for us to find a common ground, and we felt that our goals were attainable as long as we show commitment and dedication. As any group, we had our share of positive and negative experiences that I will shed some light on in this paper. Although our group was highly functional and motivated towards succeeding in achieving our goals, there were few unexplored issues that I hope we work on in the remainder of our tenure.This paper provides my personal reflection of some behaviors administered by members of my group and myself as well. Those behaviors impacted the functionality and the effectiveness of our team. The first part shall discuss the positive behaviors that I observed from other team members whom I believe had a huge impact on our team. The second part will be a self-evaluation of my behavior in the context of a study group, in particular negative behaviors and how to avoid them in future projects.One positive behavior that I observed from a couple of our team members on a regular basis is taking the initiative. In my opinion, this was a significant factor in our success as a group last quarter, and it taught me how to perceive my self and others in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and how vital it is to be proactive within a group. On several occasions throughout the last quarter, those two members launched new initiatives that led to changes in the way we tackle things as a group and the way we approach problems.This proactive behavior helped us to avoid some problems that we might have faced before they even occurred. Some problems like working under pressure when deadlines are imminent or doing repetitive work were avoided as both of those members anticipated them in advance and pointed out how to avoid such problems. Those two membersââ¬â¢ actions were usually consistent with our goals as a group, and I believe that we helped them become proactive by allowing them to take the initiative and not squandering their efforts. Their ideas were usually listened to carefully and we allowed them to try it.Also if mistakes were made, it was never held against them so we donââ¬â¢t close the window on takinf the initiative in the future, whether from their side or any other group member. It is the same concept as ââ¬Å"rewardâ⬠and ââ¬Å"punishmentâ⬠that was discussed in class; as any other behavior, proactive behavior if rewarded it will flourish and if punished or blamed it will be discouraged. The difference in our case is that the ââ¬Å"rewardâ⬠was being listened to or appreciating the effort, and the ââ¬Å"punishmentâ⬠was blaming them for making mistakes.Although our team never had an assigned leader, but usually those members who took the initiative assumed the role of leadership by default. This was another enlightening moment for me as I learned in order to lead, I have to take the initiative and become more proactive. I believe that this proactive behavior from those members helped us enhance our performance and helped us to avoid being complacent or passive. Another reason, in my opinion, motivated us in embracing some of their ideas, is our sense that those ideas were for the greater benefit of our group and wasnââ¬â¢t seeking any personal benefit or gain.Even though at times the room for being proactive was narrow, especially when we were working on tight schedules or deadlines were approaching, such behavior was evident throughout the quarter. Another positive behavior that I noticed from one of our group members is support. Support plays an essential role in the success of any group as it not only enhances the overall performance of the group, but it makes the group more cohesive and helps building trust. Each member of our group came from a different functional area or background, so it was essential to r ecognize that each of us is stronger in certain areas and weaker in other ones.This particular member was very supportive to our group members, and by support I donââ¬â¢t mean only helping in solving problems. His support extended to helping completing tasks on time even if it wasnââ¬â¢t assigned to him, giving encouragement and feedback to our group members, and taking extra tasks when needed. This behavior helped in creating a sense of collaboration and made the group more cohesive. He also supported any ideas that were suggested, regardless whether they were approved or not, he showed real interest in every idea or suggestion.Such behavior encouraged our group members to speak more openly and allowed for more contribution. It increased our group loyalty and generated trust among our group members. On the other hand, one negative behavior that I personally need to work on is not allowing other team members to express their ideas and opinions. Sometimes I feel very strong abo ut my ideas that I shut down towards other ideas from other team members. In particular there is one team member of ours that is usually left out, so we as a team should take the responsibility for such a negative behavior.I realize that a group works best when everyone is allowed to contribute in the discussions during the meetings and benefit from the diversity in our group by bringing in different ideas; however, this one member usually chooses not to contribute and we never encouraged her to overcome this obstacle. We tend to forget that this member is not used to working in teams, and this might be the reason she is finding difficulties to contribute effectively in our team meetings and in the decision making process. I believe that we, as a group, allowed this behavior to develop throughoutthe quarter until it became a habit. According to the ââ¬Å"Social Information Processing Modelâ⬠, as part of the judgment process, Fundamental Attribution Bias is ââ¬Å"the tendency to develop explanations that rely on the internal state of people when we focus on someone elseââ¬â¢s behavior. â⬠We attributed her lack of participation to her lack of skill or ability, and completely over looked the possibility that it could be attributed to other external factors. External factors such as cultural difference or unfamiliarity of working in a team could have been the reason behind her lack of contribution.Our failure to address those issues on the spot could have been the reason why those issues evolved and led to a self-limiting behavior from her side, which ultimately led to a lack in self-efficacy. This behavior affected her self-confidence in her ability of making significant contributions to the team causing her to disengage from team discussions and withhold ideas or opinions. Another negative behavior that I need to address is procrastination. I have a habit of putting off work until last minute.I do not believe I demonstrate this behavior because I am lazy or because I cannot manage my time efficiently, but because I always have a sense of ability of finishing the assigned task in less time. During earning my undergraduate bachelor degree in Civil Engineering, I was used to working in crunch time and finishing the tasks right before they are due. It was not much of my choice, but due to the enormous amount of work I was rarely able to finish those tasks ahead of schedule. Unfortunately, I carried this habit with me to my group work last quarter.I never failed to meet a deadline, but by the end of the quarter a considerable amount of work was accumulated and I had to work extremely hard in order not to miss deadlines. I could have easily avoided this issue if I had started working earlier on those projects. A huge reason for my procrastinating issue, in my opinion, is lack of self-control. Usually, I look for distractions deliberately or reasons to postpone working on the task at hand. I like to convince my self that I work be tter under pressure, using this as an excuse to postpone work.Although it might appear at first that this behavior affects only me as an individual and not the group as a whole, but my tendency to procrastinate might cause my group to miss opportunities for improvement. By submitting my task just as it is due, I didnââ¬â¢t leave room for improvement. My work could have needed further review or it might have shed some light on an area that we overlooked, which gives us an opportunity to further enhance our body of work and make it even better. In my opinion, for our group to advance and improve we need to set some goals in order for us to reach a higher level of understanding and collaboration.Involvement is a huge factor in the success of any group; consequently we should aim for having every memberââ¬â¢s input in the decision making process and in the group discussions. Discussions should be managed differently to make sure every member participates. Participation from all me mbers is vital for any group because it allows different views and ideas to be shared so we need to create a decision-making environment that allows all members to share views and ideas. We should ensure that everyone understands the objectives and the task at hand.We also need to develop more trust among our team members and avoid using shortcuts to form our perception. The Social Information Processing Model talks about Self-fulfilling Prophecy or Pygmalion effect as a shortcut that influences perception, which is a ââ¬Å"situation in which our expectations about people affect our interaction with them in such a way that helps our expectations be fulfilled. â⬠For instance, in dealing with the group member that is having difficulties in participating, if we allowed our expectations to influence how we interact with her, we will never be able to address this issue and we will maintain status quo.Moreover, I could improve on a personal level and work on my procrastinating issu e, which will eventually improve the overall performance of the group. I believe I already took the first step towards addressing this issue by recognizing it and admitting that itââ¬â¢s a negative behavior that needs to be eliminated. Another step, in my opinion, in addressing this issue is identifying whether I am procrastinating due to external reasons or internal reasons. External reasons could vary from time constraint to the type of job at hand, and internal reasons could be lack of motive or laziness.I tend to believe itââ¬â¢s the latter, as I occasionally procrastinate some tasks that are not work related or that does not have a time constraint. Procrastination is a habit that develops over time and hence, needs time to be eliminated. Although it is true that it is not a permanent habit of mine, i. e. it comes irregularly, it still affects my performance and hinders my abilities. I started trying to reward my self upon completing tasks, in an attempt to avoid putting o ff those tasks for later.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Week Three Quiz Essay
Week Three Quiz Essay Week Three Quiz Essay University of Phoenix Week Three Quiz Directions: Based on your readings and discussions in class this week, select the best answer. Utilize the Text Highlight feature or Bold your response. 1. Which of the following is not an effective way to think about money? a. Live below your means but within your needs. b. Only purchase needs, not wants. c. Financial freedom requires making a lot of money. d. Pay yourself first. 2. The best place for your emergency savings fund is a. in a liquid account at a bank or credit union that offers you the highest interest rate possible b. in a fireproof safe within your home; you want to be able to get to your money quickly in an emergency c. in your checking account or your debit-card account so you can get it right away- keep a mental note of what part of your balance is to be spent only on emergencies d. in a Roth IRA- you can always withdraw your contributions without a penalty or tax 3. If the money you have coming in each month (your take-home pay) is less than the money going out each month to pay the bills, you should a. make up the difference by using a credit card with a very low interest rate b. stop paying your credit card in full; paying just the minimum due gives you more money each month c. look through your spending for the single biggest expense you can eliminate completely to make your income equal what you spend d. find ways to trim spending from multiple spending categories till you have made up the shortfall 4. When selecting and using a debit card, you should avoid a. monitoring your account every other day b. prepay cards that allow you to load more money onto them c. debit cards tied to your checking account d. overdraft protection that allows you to spend more than you have 5. How do you make sure the money you deposit at a bank or credit union is 100% safe- that you are guaranteed to get every penny back no matter what? a. Keep the money in a checking or savings account, not a money-market fund. b. Keep cash in a safe-deposit box at a bank that you have access to seven days a week. c. Just make sure your balance is never more than $50,000 at a single bank or credit union, because that is the limit that financial institutions can guarantee. d. Confirm that a bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) or a credit union is a member of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), and never have more in your account than the maximum insured amount. 6. What is the main disadvantage of using only a debit card? a. Debit card purchases are not reported to credit reporting agencies and therefore will not help
Monday, October 21, 2019
Boy Oh Boy
Boy Oh Boy Boy Oh Boy Boy Oh Boy By Maeve Maddox This sentence in a newspaper feature about Civil War hero David O. Dodd, got me thinking about the word boy: Dodd is lionized in these parts as the ââ¬Å"Boy Martyr of the Confederacyâ⬠although ââ¬Å"Teen Martyrâ⬠would be a more accurate sobriquet for a young man who was only a year short of being old enough to be drafted into the Rebel army.â⬠Dodd was 17 when Union troops occupying Little Rock hanged him in 1864. The word boy to refer to a 17-year-old seems a valid choice to me. Boy has been in the language since 1300. More than one etymology has been argued, but its origin is uncertain. Its earliest use in English was with the meaning ââ¬Å"male servantâ⬠or ââ¬Å"slave.â⬠Note: Before boy came to mean ââ¬Å"a male child,â⬠the word girl was used to refer to young people of either sex. A speaker who wanted to refer to a ââ¬Å"male ââ¬Ëgirlââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ used the expression ââ¬Å"knave girl.â⬠Both words, boy and girl, had taken on their present meanings by the 1400s. In the British colonies and in the American South, boy was used to refer to non-white servants, regardless of age. Today, of course, such usage is considered to be extremely offensive. In France, until fairly recently, the usual term for summoning a waiter was garà §on, ââ¬Å"boy,â⬠but nowadays, serveur is the masculine term for ââ¬Å"waiter.â⬠Apart from its general meaning of ââ¬Å"a young male, (usually below the age of puberty, or still in school),â⬠boy occurs in a great variety of idioms that refer not just to male human beings of any age, but to dogs as well. Oh boy! Depending upon context and intonation, this exclamation can denote delight or dismay. For example, ââ¬Å"Oh boy! Iââ¬â¢ve won the lottery!â⬠or, ââ¬Å"Oh boy, youââ¬â¢re in trouble now. Thatââ¬â¢s my boy! A parent, proud of a son, might say this in approval of some accomplishment. Old boysââ¬â¢ club/old boysââ¬â¢ network: network of social and professional connections that perpetuate favoritism in government and other sectors. The expression originated with the British ââ¬Å"public schoolâ⬠system. (In the U.K., ââ¬Å"public schoolsâ⬠are elite private schools attended by the children of the wealthy.) Male graduates of exclusive schools were called ââ¬Å"old boys.â⬠Because of connections forged in school, these ââ¬Å"old boysâ⬠went on to occupy highly placed jobs in government and commerce, helped by a previous generation of ââ¬Å"old boysâ⬠who made up a segment of insiders. By extension, the expression can be used to refer to any kind of favoritism that makes advancement difficult for outsiders. Thereââ¬â¢s a good boy! An expression pet owners use with male dogs. Sometimes it is phrased as a question: ââ¬Å"Whoââ¬â¢s a good boy?â⬠Down, boy! This expression is used to address a dog that is jumping on someone. By extension, it is used humorously to a man who reacts with interest when introduced to a good-looking woman. Our boys in uniform: Men serving in the military, regardless of age. Now that women are more visible in the military, the expression is not as common as it once was. Boysââ¬â¢ night out: A weekly social outing for friends, limited to men. Boys will be boys: An expression of resigned acceptance uttered when men do something despicable that is considered to be characteristic of age or sex. Send a boy to do a manââ¬â¢s job: to ask someone young, ill-equipped, or inexperienced to do difficult or complicated work. Usually in negative contexts, as ââ¬Å"Never send a boy to do a mans job.â⬠boy next door: Unlike most ââ¬Å"boyâ⬠expressions, this one has a corresponding one for women: girl next door. The expressions denote a stereotypical personification of a young, unspoiled, admirable character whom one might safely fall in love with. boy king: Tutankhamen is often referred to as ââ¬Å"the boy king.â⬠Boy can be used in a descriptive sense with any noun: ââ¬Å"boy wonder,â⬠ââ¬Å"boy genius.â⬠Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightCapitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements15 English Words of Indian Origin
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