Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Evidence Based Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evidence Based - Assignment Example Critical appraisal is currently a key component included in the training and continuing professional development of all health professionals like nurses in various settings (Burls, 2009). Critical appraisal allows a nurse to judge the validity, reliability and applicability of results of any clinical research while applying it to practice (Burls, 2009). This is because, the process includes intrinsic factors of research like study design, methods, results, etc,to analyze the value of the study. Critical appraisal is a very essential component of evidence based practice which is gaining momentum. The process of critical appraisal involves identifying the appropriateness of the study for the purpose of evidence based practice, ascertaining whether the studies have been conducted in a way which makes the results sensible, making sense of the results by analyzing the methodology of analysis and also understanding the meaning of the results in the context of decision making (Burls, 2009). One of the main challenges to implementation of critical appraisal for evidence based practice is lack of evidence seeking behaviour amongst many clinicians, poor attitude towards evidence based practice, need for appropriate technical knowledge of research design and statistics which are difficult to acquire and lack of time (Brice and Booth, 2005). Brice, A., and Booth, A. (2005). Fusion or confusion?: challenges in applying critical appraisal methods to the health library literature. EAHIL Workshop: Implementation of quality systems and certification of biomedical libraries, Palermo, June 23-25, 2005. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from Burls, A. (2009). What is Critical Appraisal? Evidence Based Medicane Second Edition. Retrieved on 2nd Feb, 2010 from

Monday, October 28, 2019

Family Effects on Criminal Behavior Essay Example for Free

Family Effects on Criminal Behavior Essay It is rare for a person to see someone, who comes from a â€Å"good† family per say, to get into criminal behavior but it does happen. These people are brought up in this world with high standards and at some point they just can’t take it. They’re brought up with high expectations on them so when they can’t be met they find a way to cope. They turn to things, such as drug abuse, to make it through their situations. Others are just anti-social so they don’t know another way out but to turn to something that will accept them. Family has a major effect on what they’ll do. If they expect them how they are flaws and all they’re more likely to stay away from criminal behavior. But if they expect nothing but perfection and then are shunned on for not meeting those standards, they find a way to cope. They turn to things that you wouldn’t expect them to do. They’re brought up to high expectations. Then there’s people who aren’t brought up in a â€Å"good family† and don’t turn to the criminal behavior. These people are doing it for themselves. They saw what it was like to come from a â€Å"poor family† and don’t want to be that way the rest of their lives. They know what it’s like to live without the things they need and they want better for their future. They aren’t held to meet high expectations so any type of accomplishment they met is highly looked upon. But then there is the person who was brought up in a â€Å"good family† and isn’t looked upon as doing something so amazing. They just break at some point. But the ones who don’t come from a â€Å"good† family are given praise. People that come from a â€Å"good† family have more pressure on them to be a better person. They have high family values to meet. In Agnew’s Sources of Strain and Their Consequences it states one of the sources of strain is failure to achieve goals and one of the negative affective states could be anger or frustration. So then they turn to drug abuse or violence. But in some cases it’s not the family who has the effect on them. Because in the social learning theory it states that, people act aggressively because, as children, they modeled after the violent acts of adults. So when people are brought up in this world with those role models they try to be just like them. So a person’s acts aren’t only affected by their family. But their family does have a great deal on how they’ll be in the future. Though it is more likely for people that come from a disadvantaged family to turn to crime, there are always exceptions to everything. People can come from a good family and still turn to crime. They find a way to be individual, to stand out from the rest of the family. They want to have their own individuality and be paid attention to and if crime is the only way they are seen, the crime is what they will turn to. As for people who come from a poor family they may want to be able to give back to their family what they couldn’t be given. They strive to be different and stand out from the rest of their family. They too are looking for individuality.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Reading Log for The Scarlet Letter :: Scarlet Letter Literature Reading Logs Essays

Reading Log for The Scarlet Letter 1. Chapter one thoroughly describes the Jailhouse and the surrounding landscape. Tells of the huge wooden edifices whose threshold is timbered and iron barred. Gives the description of the peoples clothing who were congregating outside of the prison. It also describes the necessity of a new colony first building a prison and graveyard. In the last paragraph it tells of a rose bush outside of the oaken doors. The author describes the awkwardness of having such a beautiful plant surrounded by weeds and shrubs. 2. (Page 50) The rose-bush, by a strange chance, has been kept alive in history; but whether it had merely survived out of the stern old wilderness, so long after the fall of the gigantic pines and oaks that originally overshadowed it, --or whether, as there is fair authority for believing, it had sprung up under the footsteps of the sainted Anne Hutchinson, --we shall not take upon us to determine. I believe these lines are important because they illustrate some of the mythology of the times in which this book was set. The author also goes on to describe how this rose bush could symbolize two different things depending on the readers perspective; A tale of morals blossoming; or a tale of human frailty and sorrow. 3. I think chapter one should have been more obvious to the setting and time frame in which the story takes place. By text one assumes it is set in a new colony in early American history, however it should give a precise time in my opinion. Hawthorne does an excellent job of helping the reader visualize the story and is able to present a question of opinion in the first chapter, which shows great writing skills. 4. The first chapter reminds me of Where The Red Fern Grows. The rose bush that is mentioned briefly has much to do with the story even though there is little reference to it. In WTRFG the fern is actually not so much part of the story as an idea represented through a physical inanimate object, as I believe the rose bush to be. Later in the novel Pearl says she came from the rose bush by the prison door, that shows her beauty and resilience as a comparison to an object unable to show emotion. 25, 2001 Chapter 2 Pages 51 to 61 1. This chapter gives a little more setting of the town describing the short journey from the jail to the scaffold and town center.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethical Argument Cover Letter Essay

This is my submission for the Ethical Argument writing assignment. I was asked to choose a topic to write and I chose to write about the Ethical Arguments against Abortion. Initially, I had many choices but I landed on this mainly because this is a broad topic as it covers science, religion, and human rights. Since this is a broad topic, it was also difficult to choose which part of abortion is suitable for this argument and which part of abortion I can write without injecting my personal views and opinion. Thus, I decided to write to focus on why abortion is acceptable for the case of life endangerment and why it can’t be accepted in rape cases. The purpose of this essay is to show arguments about the legalization of abortion with regards to life endangerment against rape case. Perhaps, the most difficult part of writing this paper is to weigh objectively the stand of abortion in the two cases given in this essay. However, the parallel or example I gave helped me arrive to the argument I presented. I hope that this writing will meet your requirements and I would be glad to receive some feedbacks from you. Respectfully Yours, Student’s Name Student’s Name Professor’s Name Subject 29 April 2009 Ethical Arguments against Abortion For years, we have heard a lot of arguments against abortion; arguments as to why or why not abortion should be legalized. It seems to be a never-ending debate especially when taken from a pro-life perspective. Arguments against abortion often range from objections based on the USA’s constitution protection of the rights to human life to biblical belief that human life starts at conception. However, more arguments and objections arise when a law justifying abortion for mothers whose lives are endangered because of pregnancy has been approved, whereas others are questioning that if this is permissible, why can’t rape cases be? This essay offers arguments and responses as to why it is morally illegitimate to have abortion in the event of rape, while it is fairly acceptable to commit abortion when the mother’s life is endangered. Let’s look at the rape issue first. One of the fundamental beliefs of person’s rights regarding any system concerning the use of disciplinary force is that is to be applied only against those individuals responsible for the initiation of force. In this situation, the guilty party is the rapist and not the fetus. Moreover, in this case, the law might legally grant its authority to terminate the rapist, since rape is considered as an abominable crime, but not the child, even if the child’s dependence on his mother was the result of the rape. Let me give you a parallel. Imagine that there are two mutually unfriendly people living in the same building during the bombing raids of Hitler in 1940. A bomb is thrown into the building and this causes all possible exits to collapse while destroying all the walls that separate the neighbors. In effect, they are forced to share the same space and work with each other in the hopes to channel themselves out despite a mutual dislike. Does the given scenario justify one of the two unfriendly neighbors killing the other because of the inconvenience caused by the other, even though none of them had really caused it, or wouldn’t it be proper to demand justice from the Nazi air marshal who had originally commanded the bombing raids? Although the bombing and rape are two immensely unlikely scenarios, both are possible and the possible circumstances here are parallel to that of a pregnancy caused by rape. Going to the mother’s life endangerment issue, no individual is really obliged to his or her own life to save another person’s life. Therefore, when it can be proved medically that the mother’s life is in fact significantly endangered by a pregnancy, then, an abortion may be undertaken as a final resort and an only situation where it is possible to support legal abortion and to remain loyal to the individual rights’ principle; however, it is not an ordinary situation. Rather, it is considered an emergency, or a sort of situation as addressed in â€Å"The Ethics of Emergencies† written by Ayn Rand as part of her essay collection â€Å"The Virtue of Selfishness†. An emergency is an unchosen, unexpected event, limited in time that creates conditions under which human survival is impossible – such as a flood, an earthquake, a fire, a shipwreck. It is only in emergency situations that one should volunteer to help strangers. For instance, a man who values human life and is caught in a shipwreck, should help to save his fellow passengers (though not at the expense of his own life). But this does not mean that after they all reach shore, he should devote his efforts to saving them from poverty, ignorance, neurosis or whatever other troubles they might have. Nor should he spend his life sailing the seven seas in search of shipwreck victims to save. (The Virtue of Selfishness) From this definition alone, the situation of a mother whose life is endangered because of pregnancy is considered as an emergency as long as the mother has no idea that her pregnancy would put her life into danger. However, if from the start, the mother already knew about her medical condition that pregnancy will do her no good, it must be her responsibility to avoid becoming pregnant and must do her best to protect her health. Should she decide to face the risk, aborting the baby must not be done. In addition, Rand writes in her essay that emergencies are always exempted from the rule. They are not the normal state of ethical human relations or of human existence. To say that such extreme action may be allowed in emergencies is simply not to extend the acceptability or tolerability to the realm of human existence as dealt with by the basics or fundamentals of ethics. So, just because abortion may be justified as a final resort in some unexpected circumstances, this does not mean that the general legalization of abortion may be justified, especially with the fact that most cases of abortion occur because a woman has gone through indiscriminate sexual relations and has never wished to bring upon herself the objective consequences of such actions which are the pregnancy and the responsibility and obligation of bringing up a child. Work Cited Rands, Ayn. â€Å"The Virtue of Selfishness† 28 December 2008. Glyn Hughes’ Squashed Philosophers. 29 April 2009. Annotated Bibliography Rands, Ayn. â€Å"The Virtue of Selfishness† 28 December 2008. Glyn Hughes’ Squashed Philosophers. 29 April 2009. Rand’s essay collection â€Å"The Virtue of Selfishness† offers the basic or fundamental social principle of Objectivist ethics that life is simply an end itself, which simply means that every human being is an end himself. This also explains that man must live only for his own self and neither to sacrifice himself for others, nor having others to sacrifice themselves for him. The chapters in this essay collection could be easily included in the ethical argument writing especially when the topic is about sacrificing oneself or sacrificing others for the benefit of the other just like the topic in this argument.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reflection On Experience

Last fall I started my Full-time MBA program. I was assigned to a group of five members, including myself. As part of our orientation, our first exercise was to take on a ropes course as a group. This exercise helped us to know more about each other and become more cohesive as we were unfamiliar with each other and meeting for the first time. We came from different backgrounds, different cultures, and different countries, but we shared similar goals.We had members that worked in operations, marketing, finance, and supply chain; some of us never worked in teams, so it was important for us to know each other’s strengths and weaknesses and address each. We agreed as a group to make the most of our experience and try to help each other in achieving our goals. There were two sets of goals that our team worked for. We, as a group, hoped not only to deliver whatever requirements were in the program’s curriculum, but also we aimed to grow as individuals and as a group.It was ev ident from day one that each member of this team was aiming to excel and becoming distinct from other groups. Our common goal of excelling made it easier for us to find a common ground, and we felt that our goals were attainable as long as we show commitment and dedication. As any group, we had our share of positive and negative experiences that I will shed some light on in this paper. Although our group was highly functional and motivated towards succeeding in achieving our goals, there were few unexplored issues that I hope we work on in the remainder of our tenure.This paper provides my personal reflection of some behaviors administered by members of my group and myself as well. Those behaviors impacted the functionality and the effectiveness of our team. The first part shall discuss the positive behaviors that I observed from other team members whom I believe had a huge impact on our team. The second part will be a self-evaluation of my behavior in the context of a study group, in particular negative behaviors and how to avoid them in future projects.One positive behavior that I observed from a couple of our team members on a regular basis is taking the initiative. In my opinion, this was a significant factor in our success as a group last quarter, and it taught me how to perceive my self and others in order to identify strengths and weaknesses and how vital it is to be proactive within a group. On several occasions throughout the last quarter, those two members launched new initiatives that led to changes in the way we tackle things as a group and the way we approach problems.This proactive behavior helped us to avoid some problems that we might have faced before they even occurred. Some problems like working under pressure when deadlines are imminent or doing repetitive work were avoided as both of those members anticipated them in advance and pointed out how to avoid such problems. Those two members’ actions were usually consistent with our goals as a group, and I believe that we helped them become proactive by allowing them to take the initiative and not squandering their efforts. Their ideas were usually listened to carefully and we allowed them to try it.Also if mistakes were made, it was never held against them so we don’t close the window on takinf the initiative in the future, whether from their side or any other group member. It is the same concept as â€Å"reward† and â€Å"punishment† that was discussed in class; as any other behavior, proactive behavior if rewarded it will flourish and if punished or blamed it will be discouraged. The difference in our case is that the â€Å"reward† was being listened to or appreciating the effort, and the â€Å"punishment† was blaming them for making mistakes.Although our team never had an assigned leader, but usually those members who took the initiative assumed the role of leadership by default. This was another enlightening moment for me as I learned in order to lead, I have to take the initiative and become more proactive. I believe that this proactive behavior from those members helped us enhance our performance and helped us to avoid being complacent or passive. Another reason, in my opinion, motivated us in embracing some of their ideas, is our sense that those ideas were for the greater benefit of our group and wasn’t seeking any personal benefit or gain.Even though at times the room for being proactive was narrow, especially when we were working on tight schedules or deadlines were approaching, such behavior was evident throughout the quarter. Another positive behavior that I noticed from one of our group members is support. Support plays an essential role in the success of any group as it not only enhances the overall performance of the group, but it makes the group more cohesive and helps building trust. Each member of our group came from a different functional area or background, so it was essential to r ecognize that each of us is stronger in certain areas and weaker in other ones.This particular member was very supportive to our group members, and by support I don’t mean only helping in solving problems. His support extended to helping completing tasks on time even if it wasn’t assigned to him, giving encouragement and feedback to our group members, and taking extra tasks when needed. This behavior helped in creating a sense of collaboration and made the group more cohesive. He also supported any ideas that were suggested, regardless whether they were approved or not, he showed real interest in every idea or suggestion.Such behavior encouraged our group members to speak more openly and allowed for more contribution. It increased our group loyalty and generated trust among our group members. On the other hand, one negative behavior that I personally need to work on is not allowing other team members to express their ideas and opinions. Sometimes I feel very strong abo ut my ideas that I shut down towards other ideas from other team members. In particular there is one team member of ours that is usually left out, so we as a team should take the responsibility for such a negative behavior.I realize that a group works best when everyone is allowed to contribute in the discussions during the meetings and benefit from the diversity in our group by bringing in different ideas; however, this one member usually chooses not to contribute and we never encouraged her to overcome this obstacle. We tend to forget that this member is not used to working in teams, and this might be the reason she is finding difficulties to contribute effectively in our team meetings and in the decision making process. I believe that we, as a group, allowed this behavior to develop throughoutthe quarter until it became a habit. According to the â€Å"Social Information Processing Model†, as part of the judgment process, Fundamental Attribution Bias is â€Å"the tendency to develop explanations that rely on the internal state of people when we focus on someone else’s behavior. † We attributed her lack of participation to her lack of skill or ability, and completely over looked the possibility that it could be attributed to other external factors. External factors such as cultural difference or unfamiliarity of working in a team could have been the reason behind her lack of contribution.Our failure to address those issues on the spot could have been the reason why those issues evolved and led to a self-limiting behavior from her side, which ultimately led to a lack in self-efficacy. This behavior affected her self-confidence in her ability of making significant contributions to the team causing her to disengage from team discussions and withhold ideas or opinions. Another negative behavior that I need to address is procrastination. I have a habit of putting off work until last minute.I do not believe I demonstrate this behavior because I am lazy or because I cannot manage my time efficiently, but because I always have a sense of ability of finishing the assigned task in less time. During earning my undergraduate bachelor degree in Civil Engineering, I was used to working in crunch time and finishing the tasks right before they are due. It was not much of my choice, but due to the enormous amount of work I was rarely able to finish those tasks ahead of schedule. Unfortunately, I carried this habit with me to my group work last quarter.I never failed to meet a deadline, but by the end of the quarter a considerable amount of work was accumulated and I had to work extremely hard in order not to miss deadlines. I could have easily avoided this issue if I had started working earlier on those projects. A huge reason for my procrastinating issue, in my opinion, is lack of self-control. Usually, I look for distractions deliberately or reasons to postpone working on the task at hand. I like to convince my self that I work be tter under pressure, using this as an excuse to postpone work.Although it might appear at first that this behavior affects only me as an individual and not the group as a whole, but my tendency to procrastinate might cause my group to miss opportunities for improvement. By submitting my task just as it is due, I didn’t leave room for improvement. My work could have needed further review or it might have shed some light on an area that we overlooked, which gives us an opportunity to further enhance our body of work and make it even better. In my opinion, for our group to advance and improve we need to set some goals in order for us to reach a higher level of understanding and collaboration.Involvement is a huge factor in the success of any group; consequently we should aim for having every member’s input in the decision making process and in the group discussions. Discussions should be managed differently to make sure every member participates. Participation from all me mbers is vital for any group because it allows different views and ideas to be shared so we need to create a decision-making environment that allows all members to share views and ideas. We should ensure that everyone understands the objectives and the task at hand.We also need to develop more trust among our team members and avoid using shortcuts to form our perception. The Social Information Processing Model talks about Self-fulfilling Prophecy or Pygmalion effect as a shortcut that influences perception, which is a â€Å"situation in which our expectations about people affect our interaction with them in such a way that helps our expectations be fulfilled. † For instance, in dealing with the group member that is having difficulties in participating, if we allowed our expectations to influence how we interact with her, we will never be able to address this issue and we will maintain status quo.Moreover, I could improve on a personal level and work on my procrastinating issu e, which will eventually improve the overall performance of the group. I believe I already took the first step towards addressing this issue by recognizing it and admitting that it’s a negative behavior that needs to be eliminated. Another step, in my opinion, in addressing this issue is identifying whether I am procrastinating due to external reasons or internal reasons. External reasons could vary from time constraint to the type of job at hand, and internal reasons could be lack of motive or laziness.I tend to believe it’s the latter, as I occasionally procrastinate some tasks that are not work related or that does not have a time constraint. Procrastination is a habit that develops over time and hence, needs time to be eliminated. Although it is true that it is not a permanent habit of mine, i. e. it comes irregularly, it still affects my performance and hinders my abilities. I started trying to reward my self upon completing tasks, in an attempt to avoid putting o ff those tasks for later.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Week Three Quiz Essay

Week Three Quiz Essay Week Three Quiz Essay University of Phoenix Week Three Quiz Directions: Based on your readings and discussions in class this week, select the best answer. Utilize the Text Highlight feature or Bold your response. 1. Which of the following is not an effective way to think about money? a. Live below your means but within your needs. b. Only purchase needs, not wants. c. Financial freedom requires making a lot of money. d. Pay yourself first. 2. The best place for your emergency savings fund is a. in a liquid account at a bank or credit union that offers you the highest interest rate possible b. in a fireproof safe within your home; you want to be able to get to your money quickly in an emergency c. in your checking account or your debit-card account so you can get it right away- keep a mental note of what part of your balance is to be spent only on emergencies d. in a Roth IRA- you can always withdraw your contributions without a penalty or tax 3. If the money you have coming in each month (your take-home pay) is less than the money going out each month to pay the bills, you should a. make up the difference by using a credit card with a very low interest rate b. stop paying your credit card in full; paying just the minimum due gives you more money each month c. look through your spending for the single biggest expense you can eliminate completely to make your income equal what you spend d. find ways to trim spending from multiple spending categories till you have made up the shortfall 4. When selecting and using a debit card, you should avoid a. monitoring your account every other day b. prepay cards that allow you to load more money onto them c. debit cards tied to your checking account d. overdraft protection that allows you to spend more than you have 5. How do you make sure the money you deposit at a bank or credit union is 100% safe- that you are guaranteed to get every penny back no matter what? a. Keep the money in a checking or savings account, not a money-market fund. b. Keep cash in a safe-deposit box at a bank that you have access to seven days a week. c. Just make sure your balance is never more than $50,000 at a single bank or credit union, because that is the limit that financial institutions can guarantee. d. Confirm that a bank is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) or a credit union is a member of the National Credit Union Share Insurance Fund (NCUSIF), and never have more in your account than the maximum insured amount. 6. What is the main disadvantage of using only a debit card? a. Debit card purchases are not reported to credit reporting agencies and therefore will not help

Monday, October 21, 2019

Boy Oh Boy

Boy Oh Boy Boy Oh Boy Boy Oh Boy By Maeve Maddox This sentence in a newspaper feature about Civil War hero David O. Dodd, got me thinking about the word boy: Dodd is lionized in these parts as the â€Å"Boy Martyr of the Confederacy† although â€Å"Teen Martyr† would be a more accurate sobriquet for a young man who was only a year short of being old enough to be drafted into the Rebel army.† Dodd was 17 when Union troops occupying Little Rock hanged him in 1864. The word boy to refer to a 17-year-old seems a valid choice to me. Boy has been in the language since 1300. More than one etymology has been argued, but its origin is uncertain. Its earliest use in English was with the meaning â€Å"male servant† or â€Å"slave.† Note: Before boy came to mean â€Å"a male child,† the word girl was used to refer to young people of either sex. A speaker who wanted to refer to a â€Å"male ‘girl’† used the expression â€Å"knave girl.† Both words, boy and girl, had taken on their present meanings by the 1400s. In the British colonies and in the American South, boy was used to refer to non-white servants, regardless of age. Today, of course, such usage is considered to be extremely offensive. In France, until fairly recently, the usual term for summoning a waiter was garà §on, â€Å"boy,† but nowadays, serveur is the masculine term for â€Å"waiter.† Apart from its general meaning of â€Å"a young male, (usually below the age of puberty, or still in school),† boy occurs in a great variety of idioms that refer not just to male human beings of any age, but to dogs as well. Oh boy! Depending upon context and intonation, this exclamation can denote delight or dismay. For example, â€Å"Oh boy! I’ve won the lottery!† or, â€Å"Oh boy, you’re in trouble now. That’s my boy! A parent, proud of a son, might say this in approval of some accomplishment. Old boys’ club/old boys’ network: network of social and professional connections that perpetuate favoritism in government and other sectors. The expression originated with the British â€Å"public school† system. (In the U.K., â€Å"public schools† are elite private schools attended by the children of the wealthy.) Male graduates of exclusive schools were called â€Å"old boys.† Because of connections forged in school, these â€Å"old boys† went on to occupy highly placed jobs in government and commerce, helped by a previous generation of â€Å"old boys† who made up a segment of insiders. By extension, the expression can be used to refer to any kind of favoritism that makes advancement difficult for outsiders. There’s a good boy! An expression pet owners use with male dogs. Sometimes it is phrased as a question: â€Å"Who’s a good boy?† Down, boy! This expression is used to address a dog that is jumping on someone. By extension, it is used humorously to a man who reacts with interest when introduced to a good-looking woman. Our boys in uniform: Men serving in the military, regardless of age. Now that women are more visible in the military, the expression is not as common as it once was. Boys’ night out: A weekly social outing for friends, limited to men. Boys will be boys: An expression of resigned acceptance uttered when men do something despicable that is considered to be characteristic of age or sex. Send a boy to do a man’s job: to ask someone young, ill-equipped, or inexperienced to do difficult or complicated work. Usually in negative contexts, as â€Å"Never send a boy to do a mans job.† boy next door: Unlike most â€Å"boy† expressions, this one has a corresponding one for women: girl next door. The expressions denote a stereotypical personification of a young, unspoiled, admirable character whom one might safely fall in love with. boy king: Tutankhamen is often referred to as â€Å"the boy king.† Boy can be used in a descriptive sense with any noun: â€Å"boy wonder,† â€Å"boy genius.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:36 Adjectives Describing LightCapitalization Rules for Names of Historical Periods and Movements15 English Words of Indian Origin

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Personal Experience Essaysâ€Coping with Changes in the Family

Personal Experience Essays- Coping with Changes in the Family Writing personal experience essays about coping with the changes in your family may include topics such as moving in a new house, migrating to a new country or community, moving out of the house of a family member, and introducing a new member of the family. Other topics delve on sensitive topics such as death of a family member, divorce, and other relevant issues. Developing this paper may be difficult for some students since some of the topics may be hard to be put into writing. Here are some essay tips on constructing a paper on this kind of topic:   Ã‚  Ã‚   First point to discuss on your paper is the usual reactions of society to the changes that occur in the family. Cite the negative and positive reactions and explain why changes in the family are perceived in these opposing manners in the society. Identify the perspective on changes that you and your family possess then elucidate how your family had acquired this kind of outlook towards changes in the family. Mention your personal view on changes in the family and the people or sources that had influenced your outlook on these changes. This point would serve as your anchor point in your statements on the later parts of your paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚   For this type of academic essay, the section on the account of your personal experience on changes you have experienced in your family is probably the highlight of your paper. Describe the events that ensued in the changes that had happened in your family and the ways this occurrence had affected you as an individual and your family. Specify a sociological analysis on these changes, the reactions your and your family had exhibited, and the effects of these changes to you and your family. Relatively, the family and an individual’s identity are also excellent topics tackled for sociology essays. Reading some of this type of essay can help you in providing the sociological view for this part of your paper.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Enumerate way on how to cope with changes in the family. Explain how each approach can be beneficial in dealing with changes. State which of these approaches you have applied personally and describe how this approach had aided you to manage the situation. Expound on the importance of getting immediate support from friends and family to deal with these changes as well as consulting professionals who can give you advice.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Clichà ©s about change being a part of your life are true; explain how understanding and accepting changes in your family as a permanent part of life would provide a positive outlook in life as well as prepare a person for future changes that may happen in life. Assess yourself if you have attained this attitude towards changes in your family and life changes in general.   Ã‚  Ã‚   State the possible harm that may result on an individual an on the family in not being able to cope with changes in the family. Explicate the reasons why this could cause harm. Specify if you have experienced any of these harmful consequences of not being able to cope with changes in the family. Personal experience essays on this topic can be immediately completed by observing these tips. A good essay on personal experiences involves in-depth views on these occurrences in life as well as the sincerity of the writer.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Global Economy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Global Economy - Case Study Example Dani Rodrik had proposed a new dimension for global economic conditions. There are a lot of factors which contributes towards financial capital and differentiates rich countries from that of poor ones. Economic development and growth is only facilitated through capabilities being accumulated over a longer period of time. This truly encompasses technologies, public institutions and skills. It is not possible for globalization to leverage all such capabilities. They can only be leveraged by nations. East Asian nations have been able to enhance domestic productive capacities before entering into international markets. Reinvigorating requires maintaining a balance between markets and states without losing essence. Financial globalization Dani Rodrik throughout his works has highlighted various aspects affecting globalization process. There lies a major threat with globalization in terms of providing social insurance by national governments. Globalization often results into conflicts between and within nations over social institutions and domestic norms. Domestic democracy plays a vital role in sustaining global capital. However it is often a challenge for such democracy to protect one’s nation from global threats. Culture and technology can only be strengthened through domestic democracy and these factors contribute towards achievement of global capital (Steger 52-55). On the other hand, skilled and unskilled workers during globalization tend to become substitutive and elastic. I certainly feel that globalization has supported many nations to strengthen their position across the globe. There are threats associated with globalization and this has made many countries impose strict regulations or norms while trading with international markets. For instance, some European countries have laws stating that international players need to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Diagnosis human Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diagnosis human - Essay Example The medication of 11 percent of school age children including Ted’s own son is fascinating especially considering that the psychiatrists prescribe such kind of medication even before examining the patients. Human problems and sufferings have become part of pathology and monetized in pursuit of shortcuts to the solution instead of advancing our survival ability. As far as I am concerned, medication is only meant to ill some conditions that may need repair and this does not apply to broken heart. Indeed, enduring the intolerable is at times part of life hence should not be treated as an illness that require medication. It is impractical and irresponsible if medication is prescribed for patients who have not been physically examined. It is certainly unfortunate because every kind of medication under normal circumstances would require thorough examination of the patient. It makes it hard to find out the kind of problem a patient suffers from and this inflicts more pain to the pati ent. What if a wrong medication is done? Perhaps it will be blamed on whoever administered the drugs. There are numerous drugs that have been prescribed and recommended by psychiatrists but their effectiveness is questionable. The truth is whether attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has exact cure or it purely trial and error. ... It is a problem within us which cannot be solved by overdosing but by understanding the challenge. Ted Gup posits that he had unintentionally conspired with a system that undervalues discussion remedy by believing in medication that unconsciously does not even offer the best therapy. He admits that self medication is vital and very much adequate in dealing with some disorders. It is actually important to address challenges as they come instead of assuming them because they may later affect our lives or one another’s life in a way that although we will regret, it will be too late. Ted admits that he did not tackle his son’s problems from the onset: No one made him take the heroin and alcohol, and yet I cannot help but hold myself and others to account. I had unknowingly colluded with a system that devalues talking therapy and rushes to medicate, inadvertently sending a message that self-medication, too, is perfectly acceptable (Ted Web). Parents and guardians should take absolute responsibility in taking care of their children as well as closely watching their steps and actions. Children are influenced by their peers’ behaviors. Closer look and advice of children should be properly addressed and dealt with by the society too. Earlier observation of children’s conditions may make the people responsible to understand the conditions. Understanding the culture in which young people grow is fundamental as far as children’s behaviors are concerned. Some of the conditions and challenges affecting children and even the grownups in the society is some of the old dangerous culture that promotes the use of unapproved drugs. The culture of using off label drugs which are not tested and approved should be left out. The environment in

Brooklyn in the 1950's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Brooklyn in the 1950's - Essay Example Among these displays, some of the very best include those on 83rd and 84th streets. For the tourists nowadays a 3.5 hours tour shuttle is also offered whose name is â€Å"Tony Muia† This is what Brooklyn looks like at present times but in this article we’ll try to have a look about the outlook of Brooklyn as it was in 1950s. The main reference to the history of Brooklyn is a beautiful book by Colm Toibin named â€Å"Brooklyn†, it is basically a novel based on the life of Brooklyn in 50s. This novel basically depicts a sad life and gives an overview about the pattern of life in Brooklyn at that time. Geographical Location: In 1950s, Brooklyn had the same boundaries as of the Kings County which is now the 2nd most densely populated county of United States after the Manhattan County, if we go far behind in the past then Brooklyn was an independent city until it was included in New York in 1898, but still in 1950s, despite of the merger into New York., Brooklyn maint ained its individuality in culture, art and its architecture and it has harbor different cultures in different areas. Downfall of Brooklyn: In the post war years, Brooklyn was the main supplier of the industrial goods to the whole of the country but by 1950 these industrial supplies began to diminish pertaining to the fact that the major industrial manufacturers started to move to other cities which appeared cheaper to them as well as the Brooklyn port also started to decline as larger ships came into scene which required larger ports having deep harbors which was deficient factor in the port of Brooklyn, at that time, economy was unstable and banks were providing loans for building houses on easy conditions so a large number of white middle class community left their native homes in Brooklyn and moved to other localities which appeared to have more prosperous future for them such as Staten Island and New Jersey. Whole of the Jewish community left their homes in Brooklyn and moved t o other places such as Flatbush, Borough Park, Eastern Parkway and Brighton Beach. Most of the Italians also moved from Brooklyn and what could be regarded as a major blow was the incidence of Brooklyn Dodgers moving to Los Angeles in 1957. This was quite significant as Dodgers symbolized Brooklyn for a very long time so it was a big setback for the residents of Brooklyn and the dodgers wee the unifying factor for the whole diverse ethnic groups residing in the Brooklyn. So everyone in Brooklyn in some way or the other was related to each other through the Dodgers. One such incidence which showed the significance of Dodgers was the defeat of New York Yankees by the Dodgers in 1955 which made their loyal fans felt proud and when this team suddenly became the Los Angeles Dodgers then it was also taken as a sign of the decline of the golden era of Brooklyn. Once all the colors of Brooklyn faded, the manufacturing power of Brooklyn also declined drastically and this can be shown by the fact that the Brooklyn Navy yard was closed in 1966. The Brighter Side: Despite of a large number of people migrating to other areas from Brooklyn, in 1950s there was an influx of a large number of Italians to this area resulting in the predominance of Italians in these neighborhoods and this dominance of Italians still persists in some areas of Brooklyn such as Bensonhurst which is also known as the â€Å"Little Italy† of Brooklyn. In 1950, one major event was the arrival of New York aquarium into the Coney Island. Though the abrupt voting of the Dodgers to join Los Angeles was the significant dilemma for the Brooklyn residents but event after that there were some leaders in Brooklyn like Galamison and Reverend Milton who continued the traditions of the activists to raise their voices against any injustice or

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Language development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Language development - Essay Example The next stage the infant goes through usually takes place between seven months of age and one year. This stage is when the child is learning to recognize his/her name, will listen when spoken to, recognizes that certain words have certain meanings (ie; ball, food etc.), and responds to requests like "come here". The toddler is also beginning to learn the vocabulary and concepts necessary for reading. This stage is when the infant uses one and two words at a time and attempts to communicate more with non-crying responses (ie; words) than in earlier stages of development. Just as there are varying times in an individual child's life for each stage, there are also many factors that affect their language development. These factors can include; other skills the child is working on, how parents respond to the child's attempt to communicate and the amount and kind of speaking the child hears on a consistent basis ( Other factors can be whether the child is hearing more than one language in the household. The next factor to consider is when a parent responds to a child's attempts to communicate with indifference. The child can respond in kind, quickly learning to become indifferent himself.

Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 5

Analysis - Case Study Example From the first analysis and using the x-factor tool given to evaluate different possibilities it is observed that when the sales is at 422,733 million, the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% million , the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% million , the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% million. On the other hand, the cost of goods sold is directly affected at 38% to be 160,639 million. For a business to operate there are operating expenses that always has to be incurred. These include rent, internet, transport, flights, advertising, airtime among other things. These factors are consolidated into operating expenses which in this scenario is directly affected by sales at 50% meaning that half of the operating expenses are geared towards sales. As the sensitivity analysis tool suggest, when cost of goods sold is 35% of sales, the company runs into a profit of 28,787million but when the cost of goods sold is at 45% of sales the company runs into a debt of 2102 million. This happens since the company is having a lot of spending to increase sales. The breaking point ratio is at 44% of sales since no debt is made and the company has 987 excess cash for the company. Therefore the company should at least invest 200 million to offset this change. One of the assumptions made in this analysis is that interest expense is directly affected by the debt the company has. The second assumption is that the debt majorly consists of loan i.e. both long term and short term loans. Another assumption is that sales do not vary at this point and that incase it does, the effect is insignificant. In addition the current assets are also deemed a factor that affects debt and excess income in the company. There is also an assumption that total assets less total liability will give a balancing figure which will either result to a debt or an income. Moreover, we

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Language development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Language development - Essay Example The next stage the infant goes through usually takes place between seven months of age and one year. This stage is when the child is learning to recognize his/her name, will listen when spoken to, recognizes that certain words have certain meanings (ie; ball, food etc.), and responds to requests like "come here". The toddler is also beginning to learn the vocabulary and concepts necessary for reading. This stage is when the infant uses one and two words at a time and attempts to communicate more with non-crying responses (ie; words) than in earlier stages of development. Just as there are varying times in an individual child's life for each stage, there are also many factors that affect their language development. These factors can include; other skills the child is working on, how parents respond to the child's attempt to communicate and the amount and kind of speaking the child hears on a consistent basis ( Other factors can be whether the child is hearing more than one language in the household. The next factor to consider is when a parent responds to a child's attempts to communicate with indifference. The child can respond in kind, quickly learning to become indifferent himself.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nothing But The Truth by avi book talk Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nothing But The Truth by avi book talk - Essay Example There are larger social and community forces at work when it comes to the actions of men. Young people are introduced into these in this work. These things make the book a worthwhile read, apart from its artistic merits. This is an excellent novel for introducing young people into some hard to grasp gray areas when it comes to seeking the truth in human society (Avi, 2003; Holt, Rinehart and Winston, n.d.). In terms of readability and suitability, the novel is perfect for students in the middle school grades. Moreover, the reading difficulty appropriateness is buttressed by the aspects of the novel that relate to truth seeking, and that relate to imparting lessons about how society works, and how human nature works when it comes to dealing with the truth. Truth is not something that is out there as black and white realities, but is something that is sometimes hard to surface, despite the best intentions. This lesson goes beyond the merely literary and goes beyond language. It has large implications for the understanding of young people of their place in their community, and the ways and motivations of people and of the institutions that impact their lives. Because the novel touches on a larger social reality, I chose it as an excellent material with many layers of meaning and lessons for my students. For these reasons too, I rate this 4 stars out of 5 (Avi, 2003; Holt, Rinehart and Win ston, n.d.). The obvious curricular connections are in social studies, especially as the novel touches on the interplay of many social institutions and how they influence the thinking and behavior of the different key characters in the story. The mainstream media as an important group in society is a focus of attention, as well as the larger social reality of the school system, and the political system as well. These are all explored with some depth as they relate to the issue at hand in the novel, and tie very well with related concepts in social studies (Avi, 2003; Holt,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Foods representing American Essay Example for Free

Foods representing American Essay The United States of America is a melting pot of different ethnic cultures and hence in that respect is considered to be one of the most diverse countries in the universe. The cultural cuisine is marked by the influence of different cultures and is difficult to actually say which one stands out to be a symbolic representation of American culture. But before one can delve any further it is important to understand the root significance of what is it like to be American or the American way of life. What is the American way of life all about ? Or, what is Americanism all about and how does it permeate it’s way into defining certain kinds of food onto an iconic level. Imagine food being granted the iconic status of being truly American! An average outlook on the part of most Americans, is that they generally like and prefer food that is cheap, quick, and convenient regardless of whether it is purchased from a supermarket or a fast food store. In other words, cooking or buying food is never expected to be a hassle- it ought to be fast, easy, â€Å"with minimal or economic sacrifice† (Ikerd,2009). The characteristics of America’s food culture are cost, convenience, and appearance. Let us take a look at some of the foods that have acquired an iconic brand status of being truly American. These foods have a sense of place and a signature style as being a symbolic representative of a place / region in America. What one generally gets to hear about is hamburgers, French fries, potato chips, e. t. c Apart from just the usual common food/snack varieties that are popular, and if one were to really look harder for a search- there are regional / locational foods that have shaped the thought process all across America. Apple Pie, New England Clam Chowder, Pastrami (New York), Shoofly(Pennsylvania), Smithfield ham(Virginia), Po boys (Louisiana), Fajitas (Texas). a) Apple Pie: is considered to be a European import and has come to stay in America for centuries and been perfected over the years. An American Apple pie is homely and rustic in appearance. b) New England Clam Chowder: No trip to Boston is complete without a proper bowl of clam chowder. A proper chowder is deep and aromatic, with layered flavors atop a porky foundation (Bonne, 2009) c) Pastrami (New York): Pastrami is man’s mastery over meat. It begins with a simple slab / plate of meat — a cut which is different from the grill-and-serve of the obvious hunk of a cow, needs the much needed transformation. It is then subjected to a dry cure process: salted with a good portion of cracked black pepper and maybe with a little sugar and spice — which rest on the meat as it is left to be smoked. When it is finally ready- whole pastramis are steamed for quite a few hours before serving. d) Shoofly pie (Pennsylvania): is a fruity pie and quite a tasty one. It is crusty with molasses and crumbs. The crumbs add texture to the dense and rustic pie rich with molasses in taste. According to popular Amish folklore one is reminded of the fact that the name derives itself from an activity that refers to the constant need to shoo away flies from these succulent and juicy sweet treats atop which are the generous pools of molasses that lay formed. d) Po-boys (Louisiana): This a generally considered a workaday food meant for hungry and hardworking people trying to meet ends. It’s discovery is attributed to two brothers viz. , Benjamin and Clovis Martin, who ran a restaurant in the city’s French Market. Eating a ‘Po-boy’ is quite an unforgettable sandwich treat. WORKS CITED Ikerd, John (2009) â€Å"The American Food Culture† Retrieved on 29th May, 2009 http://www. kerrcenter. com/nwsltr/2005/spring2005/food_culture. htm Bonne, Jon (2005) â€Å"10 Foods that make America great† Retrieved on 29th May, 2009. http://www. msnbc. msn. com/id/8392312//

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Utilitarianism As The Principle Of Happiness Philosophy Essay

Utilitarianism As The Principle Of Happiness Philosophy Essay According to John Stuart Mill (author of Utilitarianism), utility is happiness, and happiness is pleasure minus pain. Widely known as a universal hedonism, utilitarianism is an ethical philosophy in which the most ethical acts are those which serve to increase the happiness for the most people or at the very least, decreases the suffering for the most people. Nonetheless, albeit with the fact that happiness is recognized as a universal though objectively valuable goal , utilitarianism has been for centuries recognized as the doubt of most moral philosophers, criticized for being impractical, cold and distant from individual rights and the real complexities of life. Bernard Williams is one of the critics, who brought about explicit series of objections against utilitarianism in his book, A Critique of Utilitarianism (Williams 1973b). Obviously, it is impossible for me to cover all areas concerning utilitarianism and so concentrating on morality objections, I will first of all attempt to present Bernard Williams integrity objection and the well known counter-examples against utilitarianism. Then, I will try to counter these objections, and rebutted Williams argument with stern objections as well, with Mills Utilitarianism as my reference. At the end of this essay, I hope to show that utilitarianism is indeed right, and likewise, moral intuitions are without a doubt unreliable to be used as a base in criticising utilitarianism. From what I can understand, Williams believes that utilitarianism fails to recognise the reality of complexities in life, the value of integrity, and as I mentioned earlier, individual rights. Morality comes with the recognition of individual rights and if decisions or judgments are made based on numerical value of the greatest number of happiness in a situation, the happiness of this lesser number group is ignored. Hence, integrity failed to be satisfied. In order to maximize the number of happiness, simply favour the largest number of members in a group and this irked the mind of Williams. Moreover, according to Williams, a normal utilitarian man wouldnt be able to fulfil the demanding ridiculous principle of utilitarianism. It is asking too much of an individual person and so because of that the theory must be flawed. From experience itself we can be sure that morality indeed, does not require so much of us.   Yet, the latter argument of Williams can still be argued as it is not that the theory is demanding, it is just that people dont want to fulfil their moral obligations, and that we just dont like being told to do what we dont want to do.   After all, a moral theory that wouldnt ask us to do what we dont want to do would be useless. Critics of utilitarianism have never fail to construct hypothetical situations where in each of them is the definite clear expectation of what the utilitarian would say, and it is also clear that the saying of the utilitarian would always be potentially wrong in almost all hypothetical cases. These counter-examples against utilitarianism do not conclusively show that utilitarianism is wrong, but indeed they are common reasons why people are rejecting it. And so because of that, I will present two such common counter-examples and the expected utilitarian response for these counter examples. First Counter-Example: Hypothetically speaking, there would be a television show of the future, a show where a person is taken and subjected to tortures on the show.   This is a pay-per-view show that costs a good amount of money to get.   Only people who want to see the show will ever see it, but there are a large number of people who get a great amount of pleasure from seeing this plus all the profits go to charity.   This isnt a regular program, it may only happen once.   Should this show be made? Speaking in a utilitarian manner, it is indeed right to give a green light to this show as even though, it is really sad and bad for this one person, it is however, brings a lot of happiness and pleasure to those who will see it (obviously thousands of watchers). Moreover, all the profits will go to the charity thus benefited a lot more people! Clearly, the benefits outweigh the harms. But obviously, it is indeed still wrong to torture people. This could indeed be the main argument of the opponents. Regardless of the benefits, it is still a violation of that tortured mans rights. Furthermore, to enjoy watching the torture could indeed be more morally wrong than to be physically involved in the show. Second Counter-Example: Jim, a botanist travelling in South America, comes upon a public execution in a small town. A military captain has lined up 20 Indians. He explains to Jim that they have been chosen at random from the local population, which has recently been protesting against the government. The captain offers Jim a guests privilege. If Jim wishes, he can select one of the Indians and shoot him; the other nineteen will then go free. Otherwise, the execution by the captains henchman, Pedro, will go as planned. Utilitarianism seems to claim that it is obvious that the right thing to do is for Jim to just select one of these Indians to be shot at, so that another 20 lives could be spared. To not choose, or refusing to choose could lead to unhappiness of 20 persons, whereas to choose could only cause unhappiness of one. And so as we are referring to the theory of maximizing utility, to lose one is better than to lose 20. However, the objector will claim that it is just obvious that this is the wrong thing to do.   Killing a persons life is still wrong for whatever the reason is. From what that I can deduce, the two counter-examples have one thing in common that is our sense of Morality or our moral intuitions clashes with the principles that utilitarianism hold. Indeed, opposite commands. Nevertheless, it does not mean that utilitarianism must be wrong or flawed. First of all, the arguments made by these counter-examples can only be conclusive if only our moral intuitions are correct.   However, as we all know, our moral intuitions are volatile due to the complexities of life and due to the significant numbers of gray areas that could result in confusion, according to Mill, that is why we refer to moral theories in the first place. Since it is unclear to us of the universal approval for moral intuitions, the critics cannot use their moral intuitions as the base for rejecting a moral theory which is in this case, the moral theory of utilitarianism. Indeed, of course, for example, stealing is a disgrace yet to think of it now, maybe our other supposed to be right moral beliefs might be wrong. Yet, is stealing really wrong? What about Robin Hood? Is he a hero or just a plain mere thief? The point that Im trying to state here is that we dont really know which are right and which are wrong. Our moral beliefs are inconsistent.   Some may percei ved certain things are right. Some may not. And so, we cannot know that our common sense moral intuitions about The Torture Show or Jim and The 21 Indians are right mainly because we dont really know which of our moral beliefs to trust. Second of all, the counter-examples are based on complicated moral situations; and truth to be told, biased as have they are design in such a way that the morally right answer seem obvious.   In reference to Jim and the 21 Indians, let me re-describe the situation to highlight the utilitarian benefit. Indeed, it is hard to overlook how terrible the consequences would be if 20 Indians are to be killed, when Jim has the power to prevent that. We must acknowledge the fact that, yes, although it is easy to sympathize with one innocent unfortunate person, we must also sympathize with the other 20 people, each of whom will suffer greatly if they are to be killed.  In this case, the morally right action is not obvious.  The situations presented are almost always unusual and extraordinary they are situations that one is unlikely to come across, much less to be prepared for when one does come across it.   And so conclusively, we based our moral intuitions on our moral educations. Mor al education is applicable to our daily lives and if it was to be applied in aggravating counter-examples and in every possible situation, it is indeed impossible. And so because of that, moral intuitions are not valid and any objections based on them are flawed and can be disregarded. Conclusively, these could somehow rebut the arguments made by William on the basis of integrity and morality. Conclusively, we can actually deduce that things that are morally wrong usually involve the harming of people and things that are of high moral values such as charity work, heroic deeds all contribute to the welfare of the people. Moreover, it is not a coincidence that wrong actions harm people and right action help people.  Indeed, utilitarianism claimed that the reason that right actions are right is that they help people, and the reason that wrong actions are wrong is because they harm people.   The basis of morality is inside the principle of utilitarianism. You make people happy when you help them and you make them unhappy when you harm them. And so, conclusively, as long as a person accepts that it is best to help people as much as possible and hurt them as little as possible, he or she must accept that utilitarianism is right! Works Cited/References: Crisp, Roger 1997: Routledge Philosophy Guide Book to Mill on Utilitarianism. E. Goodin, Robert 1995: Utilitarianism as a Public Philosophy. Mill, John Stuart (Reprinted in Penguin Classics 1985, first published in 1859): On Liberty. Would you kill someone to save one hundred people? CreateDebate. Retrieved on 15th November 2009, from someone_to_save_one_hundred_people Utilitarianism Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. Retrieved on 12th November 2009 from Bernard Williams Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia. Retrieved on 12th November 2009 from Introduction to utilitarianism. Retrieved on 16th November 2009 from Utilitarianism by John Stuart Mill Retrieved on 18th November 2009 from

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Life is Calling: How Far Will You Go? :: Peace Core Essays

Life is Calling: How Far Will You Go? There are many organizations today that help great causes and one in particular that I find most imperative. The Peace Core is an organization whose foundation is set on volunteers who dedicate two years or more to a cause they find worthy of their time and energy. The amount of aid and support the Peace Core has given to numerous other countries is overwhelming. The number of countries served and how many people have benefited are just a couple of the notable statistics the Peace Core has achieved. Besides these statistics the Peace Core has something else to offer, inspiration. The Peace Core inspires. Helping others, taking a risk, going somewhere new, experiencing something hands-on are characteristics of the Peace Core that are never left unsaid. Unlike other organizations where money is donated and occasional fundraisers are held, the Peace Core offers a personal experience. The stories and memories will never be lost or forgotten like twenty dollars easily can, wh en it is handed over without distinction to some other organization. There are three websites that portray the values and influential qualities of the Peace Core and I encourage people to explore them here and discover the goals and characteristics of the Peace Core that humanize our lives. In 1961 John F. Kennedy challenged the students of the University of Michigan to live and work in a foreign developing country to help bring peace and education. The challenge that Kennedy proposed, inspired the organization known as the Peace Core to develop. The Peace Core was officially established on the first of March in 1961. Today, the Peace Core has gone global and is recognized for its accomplishments in AIDS/HIV education, technological and business development, and restoring the environment. The principle of the Peace Core is to bring world peace and friendship between countries. The Peace Core is solely made up of volunteers to further display that the Peace Core is not money oriented but goal oriented focusing on bringing education and happiness to people and countries that need it. The Peace Core is such a huge organization and is the subject of countless websites.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Racism: White People and South Africa Essay

Compare and contrast between racism in Malaysia and South Africa. â€Å"Racism is man’s gravest threat to man – the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason†, quoted by Abraham J. Heschel. As we know the history of racism is long and despicable one. The journey to overcome this obstacle that has plagued us for years is just as time consuming and the effort is overwhelming. A recent survey has showed that South Africa is the highest rate of racism among all the country. So now let us analyze the racism between Malaysia and South Africa. The most notable difference between the racism in Malaysia and South Africa is the oppression on women. Till today, men in Africa still hold the traditional perspective that women are like their property and subject to their abuse. The poverty Africa could be one of the main causes why women in Africa are still undergoing such a great deal of oppression unlike women in other areas. They were paid less for a greater amount of work and less benefits too. Sometime, they were dismissed without advance notice or termination pay. Besides, South Africa has the world’s highest level of reported rape – nearly half a million each year. So it is not surprising that South Africa is often called the â€Å"rape capital of the world†. It has shown that women in Africa typically hold lower status and normally weaker than men from physical and mentally. Therefore they are easily to be oppressed and exploited by African men. In Malaysia, the position of women today has greatly improved. The Government’s commitment to promote gender equality is evidenced by several policies, administrative decision and amendments to laws that have attempted to grant equal rights to women and to remove discrimination against them. It should perhaps be acknowledged that most of the changes made were in response to lobbying by women through unions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other women’s groups. For example, in relation to employment rights, women teachers succeeded in getting the Government to adopt the principle of equal pay for equal work in 1967. Yet another difference between the racism in two different countries is discrimination of different race. In South Africa, there is a prohibiting marriage between white people and people of other races. It considers as â€Å"unlawful racial intercourse† and â€Å"any immoral or indecent act† between a white person and an African, Indian or coloured person. Blacks were not allowed to run businesses in those areas designated as â€Å"white South Africa† without a permit. They were supposed to move to their homelands and set up businesses and practices there. Transport and civil facilities were segregated. Black buses stopped at black bus stops and white buses at white ones. Trains, hospitals and ambulances were segregated. Even though black people were not allowed to employ white people in white South Africa. Since Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak became the sixth Prime Minister, he introduced a concept of solidarity, which is One Malaysia. 1 Malaysia brought the aspirations to improve race relations to ensure that the people of Malaysia to forge closer unity. The basic thing that needs to be created in the spirit of solidarity is a feeling of respect, sincerity and mutual trust between the races. Therefore, our citizens give priority to the interests of national allegiance and loyalty to the people and solve their own group. For example, one Indian got hit by a reckless car while he was playing outside the house. Some of neighbors (few Chinese but mostly Malays) quickly rushed for help, and they really got angry with the driver and almost smacked him! Although the neighbors are Malays, they stood for an Indian neighbor. Furthermore, the difference of racism between Malaysia and South Africa is the education system. South Africa has a high-cost, low-performance education system that does not compare favorably with education systems in other African countries, or in similar developing economies. There is a multitude of well-publicized problems, including a shortage of teachers, under qualified teachers and poor teacher performance. In the classroom, this results in poor learner standards and results, a lack of classroom discipline and is exacerbated by insufficient resources and inadequate infrastructure. So it is not surprising that many South Africans are low-educated and paid for little salaries. Malaysia’s educational system generally promotes surface and passive learning instead of deep and active learning which are crucial for creating a quality learning environment. The products of our school system are generally ill-prepared either for higher education work or life in general. As we know, our students lack critical and creative thinking skills because our educational system promotes conformity and uniformity. Therefore, a lot of step in transforming our education system are done. For example, one of the crucial steps is begin with the end in our mind. So, Malaysian students and graduates can possess adequate disciplinary knowledge, be self-confident and achievement-oriented persuasive and effective communicators. In conclusion, here are the main three differences between the racism in Africa and Malaysia. Even though racism is wrong, it is still being practiced in this country and in others. The origins are obscure, but it most likely had something to do with the fact that early humankind thought â€Å"black† (because it resembled â€Å"night†) was bad and â€Å"white† (because it resembled â€Å"day†) was good. But our enlightened society has more discernment than this, and we know that a person is neither good nor bad depending on the color of their skin.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Just year before, online shopping was not popular as it is today. But nowadays online shopping is the one of the best method considered for shopping. Now it allows the buyer to buy anything by just a click of mouse. Now online shopping offers a variety of products and services, as it allows us to buy clothing, airlines tickets, a car and even your grocery to shop. Websites like, are among the list of most popular websites being used these days. This essay will discuss advantages; (comparison shopping and save time) and disadvantages; (additional costs and waiting time and insecure shopping). One of the main advantage of online shopping is; comparison shopping in which products can be compared and contrast on the basis of their prices and multiple outlets. Today everybody wants the freedom of choice, so the marketers have to present the variety of product to choose from. Read more: Importance of English language essay There are number of online shopping websites, for example,, etc. that offer variety of products and services with different offers based on prices. This allows us the freedom of price flexibility and choice. So in that way, it makes easier to select and discard the product with his own choice. Many consumers like to explore before purchasing any particular product from different websites which offers different prices and different offers from other website at the same time. Comparison shopping affects the buyer’s trend to buy any product. The trend of comparison shopping is influenced by the ‘dimensions of decision-making style’ of the consumers (Park, Y. A., & Gretzel, U. 2010). The comparison shopping also become beneficial for the buyer as it allows the consumer to save money as well. Another main advantage of the online shopping is that it saves time. Today’s in this fast pace world everybody expects the work to be done fa ster. So, if anybody have busy life who have no time to buy the grocery are using online shopping as a way to fulfill their basic needs. Online shopping doesn’t require visiting the shopping places as you can do online shopping by sitting at home or anywhere. Online shopping services are available to anyone throughout the day, which it allows us to use these services anytime of the day. Online shopping websites are available on every day of the year, public holidays as well. So  availability of online shopping makes it convenient for everyone to use. Online shopping is considered as a convenient method to find those things which are hard to find made it a ‘time saving method’ (Horrigan, J. 2008). The other most important disadvantage of the online shopping is the additional cost and waiting time that Company’s takes to deliver the product. . The additional cost for delivering the product is also an important reason why people used to buy from their local outlets. A product can take up to weeks to deliver the product which make it the most frustrating factor for online shopping. The online shopping can be frustrating factor for those who don’t have patience and time to wait. So it becomes better for the buyer to buy the product from local shops instantly. The price on online store is usually low but delivery charges of the product make the charges similar or higher than local outlets. The main disadvantage of online shopping i s insecure shopping. Insecure shopping means the scams and frauds by gaining the personal and financial details of the buyers and utilize it in a bad way. If someone obtain your details regarding your personal and financial information, that can harm your personality (respect) and on other hand it can become a cause for the loss of the money. Online shopping is widely used for shopping but has ‘worries about sending their financial details’ such as credit cards (Horrigan, J. 2008). There are number of scam and fraud websites that offer very attracting offers but websites like this can loot you. So scam websites make online shopping a chaos for the user. It can be concluded that online shopping have advantages but have disadvantages as well. Online shopping provides us variation that means comparison shopping but on other hand online shopping companies charge extra for delivering. It saves times on shopping but takes time on delivering. It is available every time but have insecurity of being scammed and looted. But in last it can be easily concluded that if buyer have time for waiting they can use online shopping from registered and legal website which can decrease the fear of online shopping frauds. So, it can be easily concluded that online shopping can be a best method for shopping. REFERENCING Horrigan, J. (2008). Online shopping. Pew Internet & American Life Project Report, 36. Lee, G. G., & Lin, H. F. (2005). Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(2), 161-176. Lester, D. H., Forman, A. M., & Loyd, D. (2006). Internet shopping and buying behavior of college students. Services Marketing Quarterly, 27(2), 123-138. Park, Y. A., & Gretzel, U. (2010). Influence of consumers’ online decision-making style on comparison shopping proneness and perceived usefulness of comparison shopping tools. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 11(4), 342-354.

Effect of rock lyrics on behaviour

You must be listening to rock music, don't you? Which are your favourite bands? I love listening to music but rock is just not my type. I like peaceful, classical music. The lyrics are horrible. It seems as if someone is screaming on top of their voices. They do not make sense. It has a severe effect on schoolwork, social interactions, mood and particularly behavior. Lyrics have become more explicit in their references to violence over the years, particularly in certain genres like rock. They have particularly harsh effect on the behaviour and usually on certain attributes like aggression. There have been many researches on this issue which all point to the same result. People, especially adolescents listening to rock culture are likely to be more aggressive and quick-tempered. They may also have an ego problem. Bad egos will always a negative effect on a child's behaviour and personality. This has more or less an invariable outcome on studies, mood and social life. Their concentration in school depletes. Experts say, â€Å"Children who are exposed to such kind of music and lyrics at a young age tend to degrade in their studies and as a result may go into depression.† They usually get angry faster and create big quarrels over small topics. They are said to become more ‘rebellious' and are often prone to mood swings. Moreover, the lyrics of the music have become more vulgar and obscene in the past decade. Parents are becoming concerned about what the child listens to and they cannot find it out due to the more frequent usage of headphones. They learn more offensive vocabulary which is not meant for their age. In some of the more severe cases a child may become addictive to rock and may find it hard to even stop listening to it. In some rare cases it has also lead to death. Some people, the young generation in particular believe that music cannot possibly have an effect on a person's mental, physical and psychological behaviour. They also consider it affects a person positively and enhances concentration and is a means of becoming stress free. However, this statement is not true and I believe that rock music is no less than a drug. I advise to all parents to inhibit this addiction and nip it in the bud. It is for a child's own safety that he must not listen to such music.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Discuss the matter of single women who have children and no partners Essay

Discuss the matter of single women who have children and no partners simply take advantage of the welfare benefits, should addit - Essay Example This has become a burden on the working nation who has to pay huge taxes to support the unemployed. There people who are of the view that people who are under welfare should not have children . This is because if the working population make effort in planning the size of their families why should those that rely on welfare not do the same (Daguerre & Nativel, 2006: 412)? This article discusses whether single mothers take advantage of the welfare money and what steps can be taken to address these issues. The history of the welfare Programs in America American has created welfare programs aimed at helping people who are economically disadvantaged in the society. Some of the contemporary program in place today include the women, infant and children (WIC), Medicaid and aid to family with dependent children (AFDC) programs. The creation of these program started a long time when American was still a British colony. The British colony has created the poor laws that were used to distinguish those people who were unable work because they were physically challenged or old and those who had no jobs but were able bodies. The formers would be given assistance in form of cash and the latter would be given employment in the workhouse as public servants. Before the onset of the great depression, the government had created a pension scheme to assist war veterans and their families. This is because the men in the US army were the hardest hit by poverty because as they raged in battles, the other civilians were busy amassing wealth. When they came back home, they had no means to support themselves and the remuneration they got from the government was not enough to support them and their families. The great depression hit the American economy very hard. It left about have of the population unemployed. The government had to intervene to salvage the situation. The first welfare programs were developed by the former president Roosevelt in 1935 which were the Aid to dependent Children and unemployment compensation which are still in place today. These were created under the Social security Act that was created in the same year. Several government agencies were also developed to oversee the implementation of these programs (Mittelstadt, 2005: 130). These include the Department of Housing and Urban Development, department of education, department of agriculture and the department of healthcare and human services. In 1996, former president Bill Clinton authorized the Personal Responsibility and work reconciliation act. This allows the government to give a certain amount of money to the state mandated to be used in assisting the poor. Are the Single Mothers without Partners taking Advantage of the welfare programs? In addressing this area, president Barrack Obama is of the view that some of the welfare programs increase dependency. He says that some of the programs that have been developed in the past have been designed in the wrong way encouraging dependency. He sa id that having government in a poor neighborhood, he has observed how these programs have made people complacent in their way f live. They are not motivated to upgrade their skills or even get a college education. I totally agree with him. It is not wrong to help the poor in the society especially the women and children who happen to be the hardest hit by poverty. However, the government needs to not only provide the fish to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Cystocele, Rectocele, and Vaginal Prolapse Essay

Cystocele, Rectocele, and Vaginal Prolapse - Essay Example Vaginal prolapse on the other hand resembles a hernia for there is protrusion of part of the abdominal or pelvic contents through an aperture in the supporting structures. Protrusion takes place between the two levatores ani and, in more severe cases, through the orifice of the vagina when vaginal prolapse occurs (Hamilton-Fairley, D., 2004). Signs and Symptoms: The commonest complaints are feeling of fullness of the vagina, a lump coming down, a dragging sensation or bearing down in the back or lower abdomen, vaginal discharge due to congestion of the cervix, an ulcer of the ectocervix or cervical ectropion, and a bloodstained discharge may occur if there is ulceration. Difficulty with coitus may be experienced if the cervix protrudes or is greatly elongated. Urinary symptoms include frequency of micturition. This is common and is often daytime only. Nocturnal frequency may be present if there is added cystitis. Some patients may have urgency of micturition due to weakness of the bladder sphincter mechanism and urge incontinence may occur in some cases. There may be difficulty in emptying the bladder completely and the woman may find she has to push the prolapse up with a finger to complete the act of micturition. Complete retention of urine may follow urethral overstretch. This may be associated with stress incontinenc e. Many women with prolapse complain of constipation, and this may be due to difficulty in emptying the rectum completely because it bulges into the vagina. Others notice discomfort on sitting on a firm surface; the vaginal wall over the rectocoele can bulge down between the labia. With age, the labia become atrophic and less protective and the prolapsed vagina is exposed to trauma when sitting on hard surfaces (Hamilton-Fairley, D., 2004). A cystourethrocoele is usually obvious and the distance from the introitus to the bulge can be measured using a special ruler. The woman is asked to cough and any leakage of urine and/or descent of the cervix is noted. As the speculum is withdrawn any posterior vaginal wall prolapse can be noted. Where there is a complaint of stress incontinence, examination is best made with some urine in the bladder; the urethra and bladder neck may then be supported with two fingers to demonstrate that this maneuver controls the incontinence (Hamilton-Fairley, D., 2004). Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures: Stress incontinence must be distinguished from other causes of incontinence of urine such as urge incontinence and incontinence due to neurological disease. General examination should include fitness for surgery. Abdominal examination should be performed to exclude an intra-abdominal mass. Manual pelvic examination or ultrasound should exclude a pelvic mass and delineate the size of the uterus and ovaries if present. If prolapse is not evident, even with a Valsalva manoeuvre, the patient should be examined in the upright position. It is important to reproduce the symptoms and signs with which the patient presents. If a woman has significant urinary symptoms, urodynamics may help define the cause of the symptoms, which will enable the gynaecologist to give some prognosis for treatment. Hence, if urodynamics

Monday, October 7, 2019

Review of leterature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Review of leterature - Essay Example According to Thompson & Fox (2010), the challenges faced while screening for postpartum depression from mothers from diverse cultural background can be overcome by the employment of an appropriate screening tool which can be identified by an expert nurse. Scott (1992) observes that postpartum depression has substantially profound impacts on the social morbidity of the child. Besides social morbidity, postpartum depression affects the individual’s psychological wellbeing (Scott, 1992). Consequently when an individual has psychological as well as social challenges, through the ripple effect the larger society is affected. This indicates how profound the problem failure of early detection and intervention of postpartum detection has to the general population. A research conducted examining the resulting mother-child bonding at one year provides important findings related to this research. The mother-child bonding was examined from two factors which affects it in the first few weeks, postnatal depression and bonding (OHiggins, Roberts, Glover, & Taylor, 2013). According to OHiggins, Roberts, Glover, & Taylor (2013), utilizing the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression scale (EPDS) and the Mother Infant Bonding Questionnaire (MIBQ), the researchers were able to successfully detect postpartum depression and provide the intervention needed. From the findings of the research, there was the indication of postpartum depression contributing profoundly to the bonding problems (OHiggins, Roberts, Glover, & Taylor, 2013). Consequently, the bonding problem affected the child’s behaviors negatively to a significant extent (OHiggins, Roberts, Glover, & Taylor, 2013). Multiple screening tools used in the detection of postpartum depression improve the ef ficacy of its detection. According to OHiggins, Roberts, Glover, & Taylor (2013), an improved

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Reflective Memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflective Memo - Essay Example My first assignment on ‘Should Countries Control the Internet’ gave me an opportunity to discuss something, which I actually enjoy a lot. Discussions regarding the internet are usually my favorite. Additionally, in English 1302, writing skills such as free writing were commonly used. We also used peer reviews to help us generate ideas and put more emphasis on our writing. In as much as these sessions were challenging and complex, I can attest that there were signs of improvement when it came to generating ideas and putting them into writing. My grades kept improving during the course and that was reason enough I had improved in the course. A perfect example whereby I managed to utilize these new ideas during the writing process was while writing the project about ‘MTV’s 16 and pregnant’’ project. In doing the project, I categorized the entire project into different parts to make it easier to read and understand. Alternatively, I used electronic software in editing the entire project. In doing this, I copy pasted the word document in the software. After which, I revised the draft while still in the software. By the time I completed this process, I had done extra work on the project before posting it on the writing studio. I chose the ‘MTV’s 16 and pregnant’’ project because of its perfect illustration when it comes to the outcome. Over the semester, I have been trying my best to improve in the English 1302 course and the ‘MTV’s 16 and pregnant’ ’project, remains one of the best pieces of work I have done during the course. The entire draft is self-explanatory and does not require explanations. However, the first paragraph is a bit detailed since it is the face of the paper. The first draft generally explains all about Lowrey Annie through various themes. The main theme in the first paragraph is about some of the challenges, which teen mothers have to go through. The paragraph does not only focus on Lowrey Annie but

Friday, October 4, 2019

What types of professional development, supporting growth in cultural Assignment

What types of professional development, supporting growth in cultural competence, could be offered to teachers - Assignment Example Consequently this creates fairness in the education sector (Barrera, 2005). Secondly, the type of professional development supporting growth in cultural competence that could be offered to teachers is RICS development model. It stands for Respect, Instruction, Collaboration and Supportive. Reflection engrosses thinking about the challenges affecting the learning like racism. Teachers are required to look within themselves and realign their deepest assumptions and perception to be self-conscious. Instruction assists teachers to learn specific strategies that will boost the diversity existing in various cultures. They assist in raising teacher’s knowledge to comprehend the dynamics of learning institution. Teachers ought to follow the set instruction to create healthful relationship to avoid this problem. Collaboration urges teaches to become united and build strong collaborative work cultures that improve edification of students. It allows for dialogue amid personalities such as principals, teachers, and parents for betterment of learners. Teachers are advised to talk to each other and be active listeners. Supportive is an aspect that acts as a foundation in which teachers use to increase self-efficacy encouraging them to initiate effective learning strategies. Beneficial programs such as mentoring program are significant since they proffer support system. For this reason are able to work aptly in an environment characterized with cultural

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Persuasive Essay, the Player, All Realities Are Fictitious Essay Example for Free

Persuasive Essay, the Player, All Realities Are Fictitious Essay Our world consists of many realties. Two being commercial, and the other, artistic. A commercial reality is one of indulgence, and pleasure, always aiming to suit those who yearn for it. Artistic reality however, is open to interpretation. This means there are many possible outcomes. One could be saddened or depressed by the reality, and others, joyful. It is because of this uncertainty in artistic realities that the film industry, as well as many other industries, have taken it upon themselves to glorify the truth. It is because of the clashing of these two realities, that reality as a whole becomes difficult to interpret. The statement that every reality is fictitious, is rather bold however. Although in numbers, there are a few people who hold very strong moral and have a sense of quality in what they do. The Hollywood film industry is entirely commercial. Offering little or no interest in writers work that consists of depth, moral and truth. This reality consumes those considered as naive to the industry. Commercial realities are realities that are created by people who want to escape their own and subconsciously create a reality that is deemed impossible in the â€Å"real† world. Commercial realities are attractive to most, because you can experience something otherwise unimaginable. It is us, the audience of massive Hollywood productions, that show true appreciation of films made by producers who show no other interest than creating fictional nonsense and profiting from us . The film making industry is created by artificial characters living paranormal lives that we aspire to have. However, who can jump from a 4 story building and land on the ground with no injury? Who can be stabbed and instantly heeled by only a bandage and continue battling the world with heroic attributes and a vision to sustain â€Å"humanity as we know it† Commercial realities are fictitious, and it leaves us dreaming of a better life, and fantasizing over it. Many of our youth are involved in lives that are run by action, violence, recklessness and stupidity. A contrasting reality to those of commercial is that of artistic. This reality has deeper meaning to it, and value. Artistic reality may be generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions, implausible, exotic and supernatural elements. Artistic reality is better known as ‘realism. ’ Realism revolted against the exotic subject matter and exaggerated emotionalism and drama of the Romantic Movement. Instead it sought to portray real and typical contemporary people and situations with truth and accuracy, and not avoiding unpleasant or sordid aspects of life. Artistic realities often reject changes wrought by Commercial Revolutions. Artistic realities reveal the truth, which means they may emphasize the ugly or sordid. Artists use their work as a form of expressionism, which is open to interpretation. They see true value in their oeuvre, as they see ordinary, everyday subjects as the depiction of naturalism. Many people attempt to depict things accurately, from either a visual, social or emotional perspective. Theatre Realism shares many stylistic choices with naturalism, including a focus on every day (middle-class) drama, colloquial speech, and mundane settings. Realism rejects imaginative idealization in favour of a close observation of outward appearances. Often artistic realities can be labelled as fictitious. This is due to the majority of society being so consumed by commercial reality that they no longer can differentiate from commercial actually being fake, and artistic as being real. Commercial realities enhance the breeding of money. Commercial values manipulate the very anatomy of a natural, mundane reality. Commercially precious films of ‘reality’ have become the organ grinder’s monkeys of money. They are made to increase the generative value and staying in power of money, the power of money to breed money, to fertilize itself. They are not made to empower people and provide certain value. Artistic reality however, leaves no stone unturned. Realism sees no value in money, and it sees no reciprocal (mutual? Would this be better? ) material possession that could be exchanged for money. Artistic realities merely capture that which is tangible and accurate. Society may attempt to defend themselves by escaping this as it may be deeply depressing. It is the confusion of distinguishing between commercial and artistic realities that ultimately reduces both to nothing but fictitious mumbo jumbo that controls our lives. The difference between the two is huge, however difficult for ‘commoners’, or those not involved in the film industry, to interpret. Whether an individual comprises their lives of commercial or realistic values, these values can be labelled as fabricated or factual. The film industry’s repackaging and misrepresenting the truth to suit themselves is profitable. This profitability is their ultimate ruling guideline. If a film does not provide profits, the film was a total failure, regardless of its realism. Artistic realities are open to interpretation and provide a bit of freedom for people to choose the outcomes of scenarios. Painters, writers, film makers and news reporters are some of the main people involved in the way reality is interpreted because they are in the spotlight. Every one watches them, reads their papers or interperates their work. It is important for people to recognise that regardless of the message that is trying to be brought across, reality is subjective, and hence, it may appear fictitious to anyone apart from their maker. Commercial or artistic.